Archive of Calls for Teaching Staff
> Call for application for a position of Full and Associate Professors
Deadline 21/12/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 06/C1 – General Surgery
Scientific area code: MED/18 – General Surgery
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 317 of 07/11/2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.89 of 21/11/2023
- Download Call RD 317/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 393 of 22/12/2023 –Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 – MED/18 (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 correction – MED/18 (in Italian)
- Convocation – MED/18 (in Italian)
- Minutes no.4 – MED/18 (in Italian)
Deadline 21/12/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 06/B1 – Internal Medicine
Scientific area code: MED/09 – Internal Medicine
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 318 of 07/11/2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.89 of 21/11/2023
- Download Call RD 318/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 392 of 22/12/2023 –Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 – MED/09 (in Italian)
- Convocation – MED/09 (in Italian)
- Final minutes – MED/09 (in Italian)
Deadline: 4/12/2023 – Invitation to submit expressions of interest under Article 7, paragraph 5 bis, of Law 240/2010.
Academic recruitment area code: 11/D2 – Teaching, Pedagogy, and Educational Research Scientific
Scientific area code: M-EDF/02, Methods and Teaching of Sports Activities
- Download Notice RD 346/2023 (in Italian)
Deadline 03/08/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 11/E1 – General psychology, psychobiology and psychometrics
Scientific area code: M-PSI/01 – General psychology
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 177 of 20/06/2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.50 of 04/07/2023
- Download Call RD 177/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 227 of 07/08/2023 –Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 – M-PSI/01 (in Italian)
- Convocation – M-PSI/01 (in Italian)
- Final minutes – M-PSI/01 (in Italian)
Deadline 20/07/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 06/D2 Endocrinology, Nephrology, Food Sciences and Human Wellness
Scientific area code: MED/13 Endocrinology
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 164 of 05/06/2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.46 of 20/06/2023
- Download Call RD 164/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 204 of 25/07/2023 –Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no. 1 – MED/13 (in Italian)
- Convocation – MED/13 (in Italian)
- Final minutes – MED/13 (in Italian)
Deadline 22/06/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 05/G1 Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
Scientific area code: BIO/14 Pharmacology
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 132 of 08/05/2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.39 of 23/05/2023
- Download Call RD 132/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Deadline: 27/04/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 06/N1 Applied medical technologies
Scientific area code: MED/47 Obstetrical-Gynecological Nursing Sciences
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 72 of March 13, 2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 24 of 28/03/2023
- Download Call RD 72/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 130 of 05/05/2023 – Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 – MED/47 (in Italian)
- Convocation MED/47 (in Italian)
- Final Minutes MED/47 (in Italian)
Deadline: 02/03/2023 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic recruitment area code: 06/E1 Heart, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
Scientific area code: MED/23 Heart Surgery
Issued through Rector’s Decree no. 2 of January 13, 2023 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 8 of 31/01/2023
- Download Call RD 2/2023 (in Italian) – Attachments
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
- RD 68 of 10/03/2023 – Decree of appointment of the selection committee (in Italian)
- Minutes no.1 MED/23 (in Italian)
- Convocation MED/23 (in Italian)
- Final Minutes MED/23 (in Italian)
> Lecturer positions
Closed Call – Notice for updating the list of eligible candidates for the possible assignment of contract teaching positions pursuant to Article 23 of Law 240/2010
- Download Notice RD 344/2023
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 20th November 2023
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 14/12/2023 – Call for application for tutors involved in workshops for training courses aimed at obtaining a specialization qualification for learning support activities with students with disabilities (Ministerial Decree of 30th September 2011), academic year 2022/2023.
- Download the Notice: RD 357/2023 (in Italian) and the change of RD 363/2023 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 12:00 p.m. of 14th December 2023
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 11/12/2023 – Call for application for the teaching of educational laboratory activities for the training courses aimed at obtaining the specialization for the activities of learning support for students with disabilities (D.M. 30th September 2011), for the A.Y. 2022/2023
- Download the Notice: RD 355/2023 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address:: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 12:00 p.m. of December 11th, 2023
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 11/12/2023 – Selection by qualifications for the assignment of TUTOR COORDINATOR OF THE INTERNSHIP for the achievement of the specialization for educational support activities for pupils with disabilities (a.y. 2022-2023).
- Download the Notice: RD 356/2023 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address:: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 12am of 11th December, 2023
Notice for updating the list of eligible candidates for the possible assignment of contract teaching positions pursuant to Article 23 of Law 240/2010
- Download Notice RD 242/2023
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12th September 2023
Deadline: h. 2.00 p.m. of 26/09/2023: Selection for the assignment of teaching positions in CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY for the training programs aimed at obtaining specialization in educational support for students with disabilities (D.M. September 30, 2011) for the academic year 2022/2023.
- Download Notice RD 259/2023
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 2:00 p.m. on 26th September 2023.
Deadline: 2.00 p.m. of 15/09/2023 – Selection for the assignment of teaching positions for the training paths leading to the specialization in educational support for students with disabilities (D.M. September 30, 2011) for the academic year 2022/2023.
- Download the Notice: RD 234/2023 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 2.00 pm of 12th September 2023 to 2.00 pm of 15th September 2023.
Deadline: 12.00 p.m. of 13/03/2023 – Call for application for the award of Internship assignments for activities related to training courses aimed at achieving specialization in educational support activities for students with disabilities (a.a. 2021-2022).
- Download the Notice: RD 60/2023 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 p.m. of 7th March 2023 to 12.00 p.m. of 13th March 2023.
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. of 20/02/2023 – Qualifications-based selection for the conferment of teaching positions for the a.y. 2023/2024 in the Degree Courses and Master’s Degree Course in the Medicine and Surgery Faculty as set out in Annex A) to this call.
- Download the Notice: RD 350/2022 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 p.m. of 12th December 2022 until 1:00 p.m. of 20th February 2023.
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. of 20/02/2023 – Notice for the update of the list of eligible candidates for the potential conferment of nontenured teaching positions under Article 23 of Directive 240/2010 for the a.y. 2022/2023
- Download the Notice: RD 349/2022 (in Italian)
- Application forms for this position must be submitted only and exclusively via the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 p.m. of 12th December 2022 until 1:00 p.m. of 20th February 2023.
> Call for application for a position of Full and Associate Professors
Deadline: 28/10/2022 – Call for expressions of interest pursuant to Art. 7, paragraph 5 bis, of Law 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/F4 Locomotor System Diseases and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/33 Locomotor System Diseases
- Download Call RD 295/2022 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 18/09/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
No. 1 position for the Department of Medicine and Surgery
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A2 Experimental Medicine, Pathophysiology and Clinical Pathology
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/05 Clinical Pathology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 218 of July 27, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 66 of 19/08/2022
- Download Call RD 218/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 11/08/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/L1 Anesthesiology
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/41 Anesthesiology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 180 of June 24, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 55 of 12/07/2022
- Download Call RD 180/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 07/07/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 14/C1 General Sociology
Disciplinary-scientific area: SPS/07 General Sociology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 129 of May 11, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 45 of 07/06/2022
- Download Call RD 129/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 07/07/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 13/B1 Business administration and Management
Disciplinary-scientific area: SECS-P/07 Business administration and Management
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 139 of May 12, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 45 of 07/06/2022
- Download Call RD 139/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 30/06/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 05/E1 General Biochemistry
Disciplinary-scientific area: BIO/10 Biochemistry
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 125 of May 6, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 43 of 31/05/2022
- Download Call RD 125/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 26/05/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/M1 General and applied hygiene, nursing sciences and medical statistics
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/42 General and applied hygiene
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 88 of March 28, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 33 of 26/04/2022
- Download Call RD 88/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 19/05/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 05/D1 Physiology
Disciplinary-scientific area: Bio/09 Physiology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 83 of March 17, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 31 of 19/04/2022
- Download Call RD 83/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 18/05/2022 – Call for expressions of interest pursuant to Art. 7, paragraph 5 bis, of Law 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/F1 Odontostomatological Diseases
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/28 Odontostomatological Diseases
- Download Call RD 123/2022 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12/05/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/A2 General Pathology and Clinical Pathology
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/04 General Pathology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 80 of March 15, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 29 of 12/04/2022
- Download Call RD 80/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 21/04/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 05/E3 Clinical biochemistry and Clinical molecular biology
Disciplinary-scientific area: BIO/12 Clinical biochemistry and Clinical molecular biology
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 46 of February 23, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 23 of 22/03/2022
- Download Call RD 46/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 14/04/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/F1 Odontostomatologic Diseases
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/28 Odontostomatologic Diseases
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 29 of February 15, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 21 of 15/03/2022
- Download Call RD 29/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 14/04/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/E3 Neurosurgery and Maxillofacial Surgery
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/29 Maxillofacial Surgery
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 30 of February 15, 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 21 of 15/03/2022
- Download Call RD 30/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 07/04/2022 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/H1 Gynecology and Obstetrics
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/40 – Gynecology and Obstetrics
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 21 of February 1st 2022 published on the Italian Official Gazette no.19 of 08/03/2022
- Download Call RD 21/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Contract lecturer positions
Deadline: 12.00 p.m. of 13/12/2022 – Call for application for the award of Internship assignments for activities related to training courses aimed at achieving specialization in educational support activities for students with disabilities (a.a. 2021-2022).
- Download the Notice: RD 345/2022 (in Italian)
- Download the Notice: RD 346/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 p.m. of 6th December 2022 to 12.00 p.m. of 13th December 2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12.00 p.m. of 01/12/2022 – Call for application for the teaching of educational laboratory activities for the training courses aimed at achieving specialization in educational support activities for students with disabilities (a.a. 2021-2022)
- Download the Notice: RD 332/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 p.m. of 24th November to 12.00 p.m. of 1st December 2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 04/09/2022 – Calls for application for teaching positions in the training courses aimed at obtaining the specialization for the activities of learning support for students with disabilities (D.M. 30th September 2011), for the A.Y. 2021/2022
- Download the Notice: RD 231/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 12:00 p.m. of September 4th, 2022
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 15/03/2022 – Selection Based on Qualifications for the Appointment of INTERNSHIP COORDINATOR TUTOR Positions for the Achievement of Specialization in Teaching Support for Students with Disabilities (Academic Year 2020-2021).
Download the Rector’s Decree RD 65/2022.
Applications to participate in this selection process must be submitted solely and exclusively online at the following address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
The complete documentation, including Rector’s Decrees, Committee Reports, Rankings, etc., is filed and available at the University’s Competitions Office and may be made accessible to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 15/03/2022 – Selection by qualifications for the assignment of INTERNSHIP TUTOR for the achievement of the specialization for educational support activities for pupils with disabilities (a.y. 2020-2021).
- Download the Notice: RD 66/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. of 11/02/2022 – qualifications-based selection for the conferment of teaching positions for the a.y. 2022/2023 in the Degree Courses and Master’s Degree Courses in the Medicine and Surgery Faculty as set out in Annex A) to this call.
- Download the Notice: RD 219/2021 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 of 1stDecember 2021 until 1:00 p.m. of 11th February 2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. of 11/02/2022 – Notice for the update of the list of eligible candidates for the potential conferment of nontenured teaching positions under Article 23 of Directive 240/2010 for the a.y. 2022/2023
- Download the Notice: DR 220/2021 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 of 1stDecember 2021 until 1:00 p.m. of 11th February 2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12.00 p.m. of 31/01/2022 – Call for application for the teaching of educational laboratory activities for the training courses aimed at achieving specialization in educational support activities for students with disabilities (a.a. 2020-2021)
- Download the Notice: RD 12/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ starting from 12:00 a.m. 25/01/2022 to 12.00 a.m. 31/01/2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. of 10/01/2022 – Calls for application for teaching positions in the training courses aimed at obtaining the specialization for the activities of learning support for students with disabilities (D.M. 30th September 2011), for the A.Y. 2020/2021.
- Download the Notice: RD 2/2022 (in Italian)
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 12:00 of 10th January 2022.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Call for application for a position of Full and Associate Professors
- Download Call RD 144/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
- Download Call RD 114/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
- Download Call RD 103/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
- Download Call RD 83/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline 24/06/2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 53/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 13/06/2021 – Reserved procedure for the direct internal call of an Associate Professor pursuant to art. 24, paragraphs 5 and 6, of Law 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/M1 Hygiene, public health, nursing and medical statistics
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/45 General Clinical and Pediatric Nursing Sciences
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 76 of 21/04/2021
- Download Call RD 76/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 10 June 2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD RD 48/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline 03/06/2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Associate Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 42/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 09 May 2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 37/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 06/05/2021 – Reserved procedure for the direct internal call of an Associate Professor pursuant to art. 24, paragraphs 5 and 6, of Law 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06 / A1 Medical genetics
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED / 03 Medical genetics
Issued with Rector’s Decree no. 43 of 16/04/2021
- Download Call RD 43/2021 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 18 February 2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 130/2020 (in Ittalian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline 04/02/21 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 117/2020 (In italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline 10/01/21 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law no. 240/2010
- Download Call RD 115/2020 (In italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Contract teaching positions
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. 27/12/2021 – Notice of selection for the assignment of teaching positions for the training courses aimed at obtaining the specialization in educational support activities for students with disabilities (D.M. 30th September 2011), for the A.Y. 2020/2021
- Download the Notice: RD 251/2021 (in Italian);
- The application forms for this selection must be submitted only and exclusively electronically at the
address: https://srv.unicamillus.org/unicamillus_bandi/ until 1:00 p.m. of 27th December 2021.
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 24 February 2021 – Selection procedure for the awarding of teaching positions for the A.Y. 2021/2022, in the three-year and six-year Degree Courses of the Medicine and Surgery department, as stated in Annex A) to this call for application
- Download Call RD 124/2020 (In Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interes
Deadline: 24 February 2021 – Notice for the updating of the list of eligible candidates for the assignment of the adjunct teaching positions pursuant to the article 23 law 240/100
- Download Call RD 123/2020 (In Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Call for application for a position of Full Professor
Deadline: 31/12/2020 –Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law n. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field 06/A2 General Pathology and Clinical Pathology
Disciplinary-scientific area: Med/04 General Pathology
Issued with Rector’s Decree n. 113 of 11/11/2020 published on the Italian Official Gazette N.94 of 01/12/2020
- Download RD 113/2020 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest-
Deadline: 27/12/2020 –Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law n. 240/2010
Disciplinary-scientific area: BIO/10 BIOCHEMISTRY
Issued with Rector’s Decree n. 101 of 28/10/2020 published on the Italian Official Gazette N.92 of 24/11/2020
- Download Call RD 106/2020 (In italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 24/12/2020 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law n. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field 06/M1: GENERAL AND APPLIED HYGIENE
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/42 GENERAL AND APPLIED HYGIENE
Issued with Rector’s Decree n. 101 of 28/10/2020 published on the Italian Official Gazette N.92 of 24/11/2020
- Download RD 101/2020 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 24/12/2020 – Selection procedure for the awarding of one position of Full Professor pursuant art. 18 of Law n. 240/2010
Academic Recruitment Field: 06/C1 – General surgery
Disciplinary-scientific area: MED/18 – General surgery.
Issued with Rector’s Decree n. 101 of 28/10/2020 published on the Italian Official Gazette N.92 of 24/11/2020
- Download Call DR RD 102/2020 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Contract teaching assignments
Deadline: 31 January 2020 – Call for the qualification-based selection for the assignment of teaching positions in the 6-year and 3-year degree courses in the departmental faculty of Medicine and Surgery
- Download Call RD 94/2019
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
Deadline: 31 January 2020 – Notice for the updating of the list of eligible candidates for the assignment of the adjunct teaching positions pursuant to the article 23 law 240/100
- Download Call RD 93/2019
- Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.
> Contract teaching assignments
Deadline: 15 March 2019 – Qualifications-based selection for teaching positions for the a.y. 2019/2020 in the 6-year and 3-year degree courses taught in English in the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; attachment A) to this call.
- Download Call RD 11/2019 (in Italian)
Complete documentation, Rector’s Decrees, commission minutes, rankings and more, are stored at the University’s Ufficio Concorsi and can be made available to anyone with a legally relevant interest.