Admission testCredits
180BSc Midwifery (taught in Italian)
The BSc Midwifery is aimed at training health professionals who have the competences set forth by D.M. n. 740 of 14 September 1994 and subsequent amendments and additions to the Code of Ethics. The graduate in Midwifery is responsible for obstetric, gynecological and preventive curative, palliative and rehabilitative neonatology. The midwife promotes education and protection of women’s health in all its life stages, of couples, children and of the community; assistance, therapeutic education, management, training, research and consultancy. It prepares to identify the needs of the health of a woman, mother, childbirth assistance, puerperium, of the child and family. He or she deals with global health, sexual and reproductive health and cancer prevention. The achievement of said objectives and competences takes place through a 3-year training course with the goal of 180 University Training Credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari, ECTS), 60 ECTS for each year, with a 75% attendance requirement, including front teaching activities, practical training (professionalizing), individual study, laboratories and activities chosen by the student. The course ends with the achievement of 180 ECTS, a practical test which qualifies for Midwifery Profession and discussion of the final exam. The degree course lasts 3 years. The professionalism acquired with the achievement of the degree in obstetrics at UniCamillus obviously opens up all the healthcare jobs of this profile present in the territory in both the public and private hospital field. It especially provides the possibility of exercising the profession in developing areas which have critical issues in healthcare. In particular, the graduates at UniCamillus will be able to:
- assist in physiological pregnancies which provide assistance to pregnant woman: healthcare information and education, data collection, midwifery exams, prescription exams, execution of some of these, diagnostic summary, registration of events and resolutions;
- give good information and advice regarding the problem of family planning according to the maternal and paternal principle with particular reference to the context in the Southern parts of the world;
- identify the socio-healthcare needs of a pregnant woman by giving every informative-educative support which aims at removing conflictual situations in the presence of drug addiction, poverty, disability etc.
- assist in the labor and physiological birth by enhancing the centrality and emotions of the woman during childbirth and respecting the natural evolutionary stages and times of labor;
- assist the healthy newborn with particular attention placed on the postnatal stages and the promotion of the communication and nutritional link between the mother and child;
- assist in the normal childbirth and a desirable continuity of care for the woman, enhancing the link between the mother and child by supporting breastfeeding and giving information about events linked to the needs of the child and the restoration of normal relations whenever partners and families are involved;
- conduct courses after childbirth by privileging those paths which enhance the sense of maternal competence and favoring the security in her relationship with the child as well as working towards the rehabilitation of the perineal and abdominal muscles;
- give healthcare education in both individual and organized situations with greater effort being placed on the prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation of tumors and degenerative or involution chronic illnesses of the female genitals;
- use English in the specific area of competence and for the exchange of general information.
Teaching mode and activities
Formal teaching
This didactic form includes: – lectures: dealing with one specific topic that is identified by a title and performed by a teacher with the help of computing and/or multimedia supports based on a predefined calendar and given to students enrolled to a specific course year and divided into small groups; – seminars: didactic activities with the same characteristics as lectures but carried out contemporarily by many teachers with different competences and, as such, noted in the lesson registers in each one of them. During the last period of the course, when non Italian students will have acquired sufficient command of the language, some courses may be taught in Italian.
Informal teaching
It deals with interactive didactic activities aimed at small groups of students and coordinated by a tutor whose task is that of facilitating the students in the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and behavioral models. Learning mainly occurs through stimuli deriving from problem solving and the use of methodological skills needed to resolve them and taking decisions as well as through the direct and personal use of actions (gesture and relational) in practical exercises and/or attending clinical departments, surgeries, territorial facilities and research laboratories.
- A) Courses. The integrated teaching courses are held by one or more teachers in function to the specific objectives assigned to the course. The specific objectives of the individual courses that are contained in the exam programs and their programming are proposed annually by the course teachers within the start date of the enrolments for the new academic year.
- B) Professional activities. During the three year degree course, the student is required to acquire the professional specifications in the midwifery field by carrying out internships in facilities identified by the university and in the defined periods.
- C) Elective activities. The degree course council organizes the offer of elective didactic activities that are created with lectures, seminars, interactive courses with small groups among which the student is able to exercise their own personal option until achieving an overall number of 6 credits. Each student autonomously chooses the elective activities among the didactics supplied.
Language of the Programme: Italian.
Head of School: Prof. Cinzia Ciccacci
Programme director: Prof. Sofia Colaceci [email protected]
AlmaLaurea Report 2024
UniCamillus graduates are very satisfied with their study experience, as revealed by the 2024 Almalaurea Report, which shows that 100% of our BSc graduates find the degree obtained to be extremely useful.
⇒ Download the SUA – Degree programme satisfaction and graduates’ employment status report for the BSc Midwifery (in italian).
Modules offered
This includes all the courses (plus corresponding ECTS credits and codes) offered under the programme for the academic year and year of enrolment mentioned below:
Modules taught
This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:
Requirements for all EU and non-EU candidates
Candidates who, are willing to take the admission test must meet one of the following requirements:
- possession of a secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling. Candidates who have obtained the diploma abroad must complete such documentation with the Declaration of Value issued by the Italian diplomatic representation abroad or with the CIMEA Certification.
- attending the last year of a secondary school which allows for the achievement of a valid qualification/diploma for the admission to the degree course (secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling). It will be necessary to provide, within the set deadline, a suitable diploma/qualification in accordance with the regulations in force, under penalty of exclusion from the enrolment and/or admission procedure. Candidates are not entitled to a refund of any amount paid to the University for any reason.
- final high school diploma obtained after 10 or 11 years of schooling, supplemented by one or two years of university and the passing of all the examinations required for the years attended.
In order to complete the registration to the admission test, each candidate must follow the instructions on the dedicated page and pay the test registration fee.
The candidate is responsible for the information submitted when completing the application form in all its parts. The presence of false, incorrect or omitted information, even in only one part of the application, will result in immediate exclusion from the test or, if the latter has already been passed, removal of the candidate from the list of admitted students without any payment refund rights.
Admission test
Candidates are admitted through an admission test. The admission procedure differs for EU and non-EU candidates.
Final Exam and Graduation
In order to be eligible for the final exam, students must achieve all the CFU in the educational activities as in the study plan of reference, including those of the clinical practice and seminar activities.
The Final Exam consists of a State Exam qualifying to practice the profession and is composed by:
- a practical exam during which the student must prove to have acquired the knowledge and the theoretical-practical and technical-operational skills typical of the professional profile;
- writing and defense of a thesis originally elaborated under the guidance of a supervisor.
Graduation Sessions
- I Session November
The practical test will take place on 25th November 2024, starting from 9:00 AM, at the Anatomy Laboratory.
The Thesis will be discussed on 29th November 2024, starting from 9:00 AM, at the Aula Magna of UniCongress Hall. - II Session April
The practical test will take place on 7th April 2025, starting from 9:00 AM, at the Anatomy Laboratory.
The Thesis will be discussed on 11th April 2025, starting from 9:00 AM, at the Aula Magna of UniCongress Hall.
Any information regarding the admission requirements, the final exam, the Committee, the final grade and its determination is available within the Regulations for the graduation of the bachelor degree courses in the health professions.
→ Download the Regulations
→ Download the guide to dissertation proposal
→ Download the guide to graduation application
In the regulation you can find the information concerning the deadline and the online procedure to be followed by every undergraduates. Here below the annexes that must be used for the drafting of the dissertation:
Annex no. 1 – Deadlines Time Schedule (Annex_1 pdf file);
Annex no. 2 – Suggestions for the Drafting of the Dissertation (Annex 2 pdf file);
Annex no. 3 – Cover of the Dissertation facsimile (Annex_3 word file);
Annex no. 4 – Frontispiece of the Dissertation (Annex_4 word file);
Annex no. 5 – Logo (Annex_5 png file);
Annex no.6 – Research originality statement and declaration of academic honesty (Annex_6 pdf file).
Annex no.7 – Template Power Point (Annex_7 ppt file).
Should you need further information regarding the Graduation procedure, please contact the Graduation Office at [email protected].
Degree programmes QA system
Our study programmes are at the heart of the University’s educational mission and are continuously being updated by the Quality Assurance Group set up for each programme.
The Quality Assurance Group is composed of the Head of School, a Programme Director, a faculty member and a student representative. The Quality Assurance Group contributes to the design, implementation and verification of all activities related to each programme, ensuring their correct and smooth running in coordination with the University’s Quality Committee and other Quality Assurance members.
During the transitional period provided for in the Statute, the Quality Assurance Group is also called upon to perform the functions normally assigned to the Review Group.
Its responsibilities include:
1) identifying potential improvements for the programme, setting deadlines and indicators to verify the degree of implementation;
2) verify the achievement of predetermined objectives or identify reasons for non-achievement or partial achievement;
3) preparation of the Annual Monitoring Sheet;
4) preparation of the Cyclical Review Report.
Quality Assurance Group for the Midwifery programme
Reports from students
“Reports from students” is the service through which UniCamillus students can report and notice on topics such as teachings or organization. It aims to promote efficient and direct communication between students and University Offices.
→ Reports to Programme director: [email protected]
→ Reports to Didactic Administrative Office of the Degree Course: [email protected]
→ Request related to academic career: [email protected]
→ Requests to Student Representatives (Representatives’ task is to collect student suggestions and recommend activities to encourage students to actively participate in university life):
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2024-2025 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2023-2024 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2022-2023 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2021-2022 Teaching Regulations
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2020-2021 Teaching Regulations
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2019-2020 Teaching Regulations
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2018-2019 Teaching Regulations
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2024-2025 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2023-2024 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2022-2023 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2021-2022 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2020-2021 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2019-2020 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ BSc in Midwifery 2018-2019 Internship Regulations (in Italian)
– Final Exam Regulations – Attachments and details to the Graduation section