Admission test

BSc Nursing (taught in English)

The Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Rome), has established the three-year degree course in Nursing (qualifying for the Nurse Health Profession), degree class L/SNT-1. 

The Course has a normal duration of 3 years (180 ECTS in total) and ends with a final qualifying exam and the achievement of the academic title of “Degree in Nursing”.

It enables graduates to access to first-level Master’s degree courses offered at UniCamillus or at other universities in accordance with the procedures laid down in the respective regulations, as well as access to Master’s degree courses in the LM/SNT-1 class. In addition, nursing practitioners can find employment in public or private healthcare facilities, in community services and home care, and may practice as employees or self-employed professionals. 3 years degree course taught in English.

The Degree Course in Nursing aims to provide its graduates with a cultural heritage and the conceptual and methodological tools necessary for the practice of the nursing profession, as regulated by the profile outlined in Ministerial Decree No. 739 of 14 September 1994 and the Deontological Code of the Nursing Professions, approved in 2019 by the National Federation of Nursing Professions (FNOPI – Federazione Nazionale Ordine Professioni Infermieristiche).

The Nursing Degree Course provides the theoretical frameworks, technical, relational and educational methodologies and tools for future professionals in preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative nursing care (Italian Ministerial Decree No. 739 of 1994 and subsequent additions and amendments). In addition, through the development of clinical reasoning and critical thinking, graduates will be able to act consciously, autonomously and responsibly in disease prevention, health education and care for the sick and disabled of all ages. They thus become active agents in the community to which they belong and in which they practice, promoting a culture of caring and safety (Code of Ethics of the Nursing Professions, 2019).

From the first year the study plan includes classroom training activities (lessons, seminars), theoretical-practical activities (laboratories, clinical internships), elective activities and preparation for the final exam. You are admitted to the final qualifying test only if you have achieved 4600 hours of theoretical and practical activities. Each year of the course is organized in two semesters and allows the acquisition of 60 credits. 1 credit corresponds to 30 hours.

Attending class is compulsory for all theoretical and internship activities. Furthermore, the Integrated Course exams can only be taken if attendance is obtained for 75% of the hours scheduled for the theoretical activity.

The achievement of professional skills takes place through theoretical and practical training (internship and laboratory) which includes the acquisition of behavioral skills and which is achieved in the specific work context, so as to guarantee, at the end of the training course, full mastery of all the necessary skills and their immediate marketability in the workplace.

Teaching mode and activities

The Nursing Degree Course can comprise one or more types of the following teaching and training activities:

  • Lectures: examination of specific topics that are part of the Nursing Degree Course training curriculum. They are given by one or more lecturers in a classroom setting according to an established schedule and attended by all students regularly enrolled in a given course year.
  • Practicals: exercises and/or simulations that have the purpose of enabling students to develop and acquire technical, relational and methodological skills in a protected context before or during acting in real contexts. Practical training sessions are coordinated by a tutor.
  • Seminars: educational activities aimed at expanding on nursing-related clinical and practical issues. Participation in conferences, congress events and research groups may be considered as seminar activities, subject to prior authorization by the Degree Course Academic Board.
  • Students’ elective learning projects are organised to broaden cultural and disciplinary horizons, optimising the preparation and training of individuals by responding to the personal inclinations of each student.

The Degree Course Academic Board organizes and schedules the provision of the above-mentioned compulsory and elective training activities at the beginning of the academic year or, in any case, at the beginning of each teaching period.

The Nursing Degree Course requires that students devote a number of hours to autonomous learning over the three years of the course, in line with the guidelines of the National Conference of Degree Classes in the Healthcare Professions. The latter may comprise:

  • The use, individually or in small groups, autonomously or upon recommendation of Professors, of teaching support material made available by the Degree Course in order to promote self-learning and self-assessment, in order to achieve the set learning objectives. The teaching support materials (textbooks, simulators, dummies, audiovisual, computer programmes, etc) will be placed, within reason, in areas managed by the Athenaeum’s staff.
  • Personal study, for exam preparation.

The internship is the irreplaceable way of learning professional technical skills through practical experience and the integration of theoretical-scientific knowledge with professional and organizational operating practice.

The internship activity is intended to enable the student to achieve, maintain and develop quality learning and to enhance a sense of responsibility through targeted support from one or more experienced professionals. It is aimed at the student’s acquisition of specific skills of professional interest, as well as professional technical competences, through practical experience and the integration of theoretical-scientific knowledge with professional and organizational operating practice.

Language of the Programme: English

Language of practical activities (internship): Italian

Head of School: Prof. Fabio D’Agostino

Programme director: Prof. Noemi Giannetta ([email protected])

AlmaLaurea Report 2024

UniCamillus graduates are very satisfied with their study experience, as revealed by the 2024 Almalaurea Report (in italian), which shows that 100% of our BSc graduates find the degree obtained to be extremely useful.

⇒ Download the SUA – Degree programme satisfaction and graduates’ employment status report for the BSc Nursing (in italian).

Modules offered

This includes all the courses (plus corresponding ECTS credits and codes) offered under the programme for the academic year and year of enrolment mentioned below:

Modules taught​

This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:

Requirements for all EU and non-EU candidates

Candidates who, are willing to take the admission test must meet one of the following requirements:

  • possession of a secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling. Candidates who have obtained the diploma abroad must complete such documentation with the Declaration of Value issued by the Italian diplomatic representation abroad or with the CIMEA Certification.
  • attending the last year of a secondary school which allows for the achievement of a valid qualification/diploma for the admission to the degree course (secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling). It will be necessary to provide, within the set deadline, a suitable diploma/qualification in accordance with the regulations in force, under penalty of exclusion from the enrolment and/or admission procedure. Candidates are not entitled to a refund of any amount paid to the University for any reason.
  • final high school diploma obtained after 10 or 11 years of schooling, supplemented by one or two years of university and the passing of all the examinations required for the years attended.

In order to complete the registration to the admission test, each candidate must follow the instructions on the dedicated page and pay the test registration fee.

The candidate is responsible for the information submitted when completing the application form in all its parts. The presence of false, incorrect or omitted information, even in only one part of the application, will result in immediate exclusion from the test or, if the latter has already been passed, removal of the candidate from the list of admitted students without any payment refund rights.

Admission test

Candidates are admitted through an admission test. The admission procedure differs for EU and non-EU candidates.

Final Exam and Graduation

In order to be eligible for the final exam, students must achieve all the CFU in the educational activities as in the study plan of reference, including those of the clinical practice and seminar activities.

The Final Exam consists of a State Exam qualifying to practice the profession and is composed by:

  1. a practical exam during which the student must prove to have acquired the knowledge and the theoretical-practical and technical-operational skills typical of the professional profile;
  2. writing and defense of a thesis originally elaborated under the guidance of a supervisor.

Graduation Sessions

  • I Session November
    The practical test will take place on 6th November 2024, starting from 8:30 AM, at the Nursing Laboratories, UniHall.
    The Thesis will be discussed on 13th November 2024, starting from 9:00 AM, at the Aula Magna of UniCongress Hall.
  • Extraordinary Session – April
    The practical test will take place on 2nd and 4th April 2025, starting from 8:30 AM,at the Nursing Laboratories, UniHall.
    The Thesis will be discussed on 9th and 16th April 2025, starting from 8:30 AM, at the Aula Magna of UniCongress Hall.


Any information regarding the admission requirements, the final exam, the Committee, the final grade and its determination is available within the Regulations for the graduation of the bachelor degree courses in the health professions.

→ Download the Regulations

→ Download the guide to dissertation proposal

→ Download the guide to graduation application

In the regulation you can find the information concerning the deadline and the online procedure to be followed by every undergraduates. Here below the annexes that must be used for the drafting of the dissertation:

Annex no. 1 – Deadlines Time Schedule (Annex_1 pdf file);

Annex no. 2 – Suggestions for the Drafting of the Dissertation (Annex 2 pdf file);

Annex no. 3 – Cover of the Dissertation facsimile (Annex_3 word file);

Annex no. 4 – Frontispiece of the Dissertation (Annex_4 word file);

Annex no. 5 – Logo (Annex_5 png file);

Annex no.6 – Research originality statement and declaration of academic honesty (Annex_6 pdf file).

Annex no.7 – Template Power Point (Annex_7 ppt file).

Should you need further information regarding the Graduation procedure, please contact the Graduation Office at [email protected].

Degree programmes QA system

Our study programmes are at the heart of the University’s educational mission and are continuously being updated by the Quality Assurance Group set up for each programme.

The Quality Assurance Group is composed of the Head of School, a Programme Director, a faculty member and a student representative. The Quality Assurance Group contributes to the design, implementation and verification of all activities related to each programme, ensuring their correct and smooth running in coordination with the University’s Quality Committee and other Quality Assurance members.

Its responsibilities include:

1) identifying potential improvements for the programme, setting deadlines and indicators to verify the degree of implementation;

2) verify the achievement of predetermined objectives or identify reasons for non-achievement or partial achievement;

3) preparation of the Annual Monitoring Sheet;

4) preparation of the Cyclical Review Report.

Quality Assurance Group for the Nursing programme

Reports from students

“Reports from students” is the service through which UniCamillus students can report and notice on topics such as teachings or organization. It aims to promote efficient and direct communication between students and University Offices.


→ Reports to Programme director: [email protected]

→ Reports to Didactic Administrative Office of the Degree Course:

→ Request related to academic career: [email protected]

→ Requests to Student Representatives (Representatives’ task is to collect student suggestions and recommend activities to encourage students to actively participate in university life):

 Year of enrolment 2023/2024 • Chirayil Mani Bibi 
 • George Manackal Varkichan 
 • Ronchi Chiara
 Year of enrolment 2022/2023 • Puthuppallimyalil Benny Albin
 • Cherchi Sofia 
 • Maduba Pamela Chisomaga
 Year of enrolment 2021/2022 • Edampadam Manu Sibi
 • Grosso Greta
 Year of enrolment 2020/2021• Edampadam Manu Sibi
• Grosso Greta
• Zamponi Anita
 Year of enrolment 2019/2020 • Giaccio Claudio
 • Fuseni Rita Abrafi
 Year of enrolment 2018/2019 • Osarugue Tony


⇒ BSc in Nursing 2024-2025 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
 BSc in Nursing 2023-2024 Teaching Regulations 
 BSc in Nursing 2022-2023 Teaching Regulations 
 BSc in Nursing 2021-2022 Teaching Regulations
 BSc in Nursing 2020-2021 Teaching Regulations
 BSc in Nursing 2019-2020 Teaching Regulations
 BSc in Nursing 2018-2019 Teaching Regulations

⇒ BSc in Nursing 2024-2025 Internship Regulations  (in Italian)
 BSc in Nursing 2023-2024 Internship Regulations  
BSc in Nursing 2022-2023 Internship Regulations
BSc in Nursing 2021-2022 Internship Regulations  
 BSc in Nursing 2020-2021 Internship Regulations  (in Italian)
 BSc in Nursing 2019-2020 Internship Regulations  (in Italian)
 BSc in Nursing 2018-2019 Internship Regulations  (in Italian)

Final Exam  Regulations  – Attachments and details to the Graduation section

Video Presentation of the Course