CPD First Level Course

Bioresonance: Application Methodologies [COD. ME2106]

Evaluation of Qualifications
€ 3.600

Bioresonance: Application Methodologies (taught in Italian)

UniCamillus in partnership with Scuola di Alta Formazione e Studi Specializzati per Professionisti (SafesPro), organizes the CPD Course in Bioresonance: application methodologies. The Online CPD Course aims to broaden scientific skills from a diagnostic point of view and to widen the complementary therapeutic offer for all Health Professionals working in both public and private facilities. Bioresonance is intended as a support to traditional Medicine in order to acquire increasingly precision strategies, tailored to individual patients’ needs, specifically referring to allergology, neurology, metabolic diseases, nutrition science and infectious diseases and other medical disciplines.


Lessons for the Bioresonance: Application Methodologies Master will be in e-learning mode. Students will have at their disposal handouts, bibliography and multiple-choice self-assessment questionnaires.

After completing each teaching, students must take pertinent online exams before proceeding to the following teaching. Students can achieve university credits (CFU) by passing the final exam, considered as an assessment of the skills acquired during the lessons. The final exam consists in writing and presenting a short paper.

Teaching areas

• Molecular Biology – Biochemistry

• Physiology – Pathophysiology

• Water, this unknown

• Basics of Clinical Biochemistry

• Quantum Physics and Health Sciences

• Theory of the interactive effect of biological and cosmic fields

• Food science, Bioresonance. Analysis and integration

• Bioresonance

Admission requirements

In order to independently register for the Online CPD Course in Bioresonance: Application Methodologies candidates must have:
• Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree pursuant to MD n. 270/2004;
• Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree pursuant to MD n. 509/1999;
• Degree earned according to previous regulations;
• Degree earned abroad considered equivalent by current regulations.

In addition to what previously mentioned, candidates with degrees earned abroad need to present one of the following documents:
– Declaration of Value, issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (together with “Transcript of Records” + duplicate of final degree) or CIMEA Statements of Comparability along with CIMEA Statements of Verification (through CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (in case of European Degrees) issued by the University of origin and legalized by the Italian Embassy of the country of study.

Candidates who don’t have or don’t present adequate qualifications pursuant to current regulations within 6 months, forfeit their enrollment if already admitted and have no right to refunds of any amount paid to the University.

In case of lacking of the aforementioned requirements, Didactics Administrative Office can exclude candidates from the Master at any time and with a justified provision.

Application procedure

To enroll in the CPD Course, candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements must proceed with enrollment through the Student Portal (GOMP), following the instructions provided in the enrollment guide, published on University’s website.
In order to complete the enrollment, candidates must be in possession of the following documents and attached them to the portal during the enrollment stage:

A) duplicate of a valid identity document;

B) duplicate of the Degree Certificate;

C) declaration of having read the notice concerning the processing of personal data pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” (here in after also GDPR) provided by UniCamillus;

D) duplicate of tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners who own it);

E) for candidates having equivalent degree to the ones required: certifying self – declaration pursuant to art. 46 point m of the Presidential Decree 28/12/2000, n. 445, certifying the achievement of the degrees, in accordance with current regulations;

F) contract with students, available on the GOMP portal, to be uploaded during the enrollment stage.

Candidates who do not meet the admission requirements and wish to have an evaluation of their degrees can send an email to Master Administrative Office to [email protected].

Attention: enrollment will be considered completed only after payment of fees and secretarial fees.

Tuition fees

Online CPD Course in Bioresonance: Application Methodologies participation fee is 3.600 Euros*, plus 70.00 Euros for secretarial fees, to be paid in one solution.

*In the event that the candidate does not make the payment within the times indicated by UniCamillus, he/she will no longer be able to access his/her personal student area and the video lessons, self-assessment tests and exams.

**The payment of the registration fees is not subject to the application of VAT pursuant to Art. 4 DPR 633/72, as it is part of the University’s institutional training offer.
Upon payment, a note attesting the payment will be issued.

Career opportunities

The CPD Course aims to widely extent scientific skills in terms of diagnostic vision and complementary therapeutic offer for all Health Professionals operating in both public and private structures, to provide as a support to traditional Medicine in order to acquire increasingly precision strategies, tailored to individual patients’ needs, specifically referring to allergology, neurology, metabolic diseases, nutrition science and infectious diseases and other medical disciplines.


In order to independently register for the Online CPD Course in Bioresonance: Application Methodologies, candidates must have:

  • Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree pursuant to MD n. 270/2004;
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree pursuant to MD n. 509/1999;
  • Degree earned according to previous regulations;
  • Degree earned abroad considered equivalent by current regulations.

Before enrolling, please check the enrollment guide.

Scuola post-Laurea

UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma

Website: www.unicamillus.org
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 06 40 06 40
PEC: [email protected]



Scuola di Alta Formazione e Studi Specializzati per Professionisti (SafesPro)

• Sergio Francesca – cell. 349 2374044
[email protected]
[email protected]

• Saccomanni Rossella – cell. 329 9266025
[email protected]

CPD course partner