The online CPD Course in Clinic Posturology (taught in italian) offers an interdisciplinary training course to identify the different postural problems and the related disorders.
At the end of the Postgraduate Course, the learners will be able to carry out specific activities in the field of posture regarding diagnosis, prevention and therapy.
Director: Professor Giuseppe Sciamanna
The purpose of the online CPD Course in Clinic Posturology is to train professional figures with a transversal knowledge of different disciplines, by promoting integrated training that crosses the branches of orthopedics, neurology, physiatry, physical education, physiotherapy, podiatry and dentistry.
The Master aims to train highly qualified professionals in the prevention, diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of postural dysfunctions.
An in-depth study of these factors allows to learn the clinical posturology aimed at improving, consequently, the posture of a specific individual.
The lessons of the online CPD Course in Clinic Posturology will be delivered in e-learning mode; students will have handouts, bibliography and multiple choice self-assessment questionnaires at their disposal.
At the end of each teaching course, students must take online tests before proceeding to the next course.
University credits (CFU) are achieved by passing the final exam, as an assessment of the skills acquired during lessons which consists in writing and presenting a short paper.
The Master curriculum includes a mandatory internship in affiliated health facilities.
Purposes: to deepen the anatomical and physiological connections to identify correlations between behavioral, gestural and postural habits.
Purposes: to identify adequate diagnoses regarding the various anomalies of the patient’s posture.
Purposes: to learn the systematic study of the legal and moral dimensions for the treatment of patients suffering from postural alterations.
Purposes: to identify innovative therapies for the correction of postural errors and the prolonged maintenance of correct positions able to avoid the onset of further pathologies.
In order to register for the online CPD Course in Clinic Posturology candidates must have:
• Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Sciences
• Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences
• Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Professions
• Single-cycle Master’s Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis
• Single-cycle Master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery
Candidates who meet the following requirements can also apply:
• Qualifications with duration and content equivalent to those listed above, achieved according to the previous university system pursuant to Law 1/2002 with the obligation to have an upper secondary school diploma.
It is necessary to submit one of the following documents: Declaration of Value on the spot issued by the Italian consular authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or CIMEA Certificate of Comparability accompanied by CIMEA Certificate of Verification (by accessing the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if applicable with a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalized at the Italian Embassy in the country of study. Those who submit incomplete documentation are admitted with reserve and cannot complete the enrollment until all the required documentation has been submitted.
The University reserves the right to admit candidates with different qualifications but related to the Master curriculum.
To enroll in the online CPD Course, those who meet the above requirements must proceed with enrollment directly through the Student Portal (GOMP), following the instructions provided in the enrollment guide published on the website. To complete the enrollment application, you must have the following documentation, to be uploaded on the portal during the enrollment process:
A) Certification of the degree diploma or an authenticated copy of the degree diploma or, provisionally, self-certification. Candidates with a degree obtained abroad must present, under penalty of exclusion, the original official translation of the academic qualifications in Italian, complete with legalization and a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian Embassy or Italian General Consulate competent for the territory in the country where the degree was obtained;
B) A photocopy of a valid identification document;
C) A photocopy of the health insurance card;
D) A passport-sized photo in digital format (JPEG or PNG);
E) Privacy notice pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 on “the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data” available on the GOMP portal, to be uploaded during the enrollment process;
F) Student contract available on the GOMP portal, to be uploaded during the enrollment process.
Candidates who do not meet the access requirements and wish to have their qualifications evaluated are requested to contact the Master’s Office at [email protected].
Attention: enrollment will only be considered complete after the payment of the first installment and administrative fees.
The participation fee is equal to Euros 900*, in addition to 50.00 Euros for secretarial rights.
• First installment: 400.00 + 50.00 Euros for secretarial rights within the
application deadline
• Second installment: 300.00 Euros within 1 month from the Master start date
• Third installment: 200.00 Euros within 2 months from the Master start date
*In the event that the candidate does not make the payment within the times indicated by UniCamillus, he/she will no longer be able to access his/her personal student area and the video lessons, self-assessment tests and exams.
**The payment of the registration fees is not subject to the application of VAT pursuant to Art. 4 DPR 633/72, as it is part of the University’s institutional training offer.
Upon payment, a note attesting the payment will be issued.
The identified professional figure will work either as a freelancer or as a collaborator and / or employee in public and private structures with a preventative, ergonomic and re-educational approach, notwithstanding that the didactic notions acquired by the student will not allow access to the professions of the S.S.N. for which authorization is required.
Graduates in Clinical Posturology will have the necessary knowledge and will be able to collaborate with:
The internship hours required by the online CPD Course’ Study Plan are 150.
The facility where the internship can be carried out may be:
– A facility already affiliated with the University (you can request the list from the Master’s Office).
– A facility to be affiliated. The student must inform the Master’s Office of the name and email/PEC address of the contact person at the chosen facility to proceed with the affiliation agreement.
– When the student has an employment relationship with a company or is a freelancer, and the work activity is consistent with the educational objectives of the Master’s program, they can self-certify their work activity as an internship (the form to be filled out can be requested from the Master’s Office).
In case of choosing an affiliated/to-be-affiliated facility, once the final test of the Master’s program has been passed, the following documents must be sent to the Master’s Office to start the internship:
– Training Project: (to be requested from the Master’s Office following confirmation of the affiliation agreement) to be filled out and signed by the internship supervisor designated by the facility.
– Attendance register booklet (to be requested from the Master’s Office following the completion and signing of the Training Project) to be filled out and signed by the internship supervisor designated by the facility.
– Certificate of completion of the Workplace Safety Course (available on the platform) to be sent to the Master’s Office.
To independently proceed with enrollment in the online CPD Course’ program in “Clinic Posturology,” candidates must possess:
• A degree in Motor and Sports Sciences (L-22 or 33)
• A degree in Biological Sciences (L-13 or 12)
• A first-level or specialized degree under the current system related to a Health Profession (L/SNT1, L/SNT2, L/SNT3, L/SNT4 or LM/SNT1, LM/SNT2, LM/SNT3, LM/SNT4)
• A Master’s degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (LM-46 or 52/S)
• A Master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery (LM-41 or 46/S)
• A diploma in Health Professions considered equivalent pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 10 of Decree-Law 402/2001, converted into Law no. 1 of 2002
• A foreign qualification considered equivalent by current regulations.
Before proceeding with registration, it is advisable to consult the enrollment guide.
Website: www.unicamillus.org
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 06 40 06 40
PEC: [email protected]
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