CPD Second Level Course
Advanced Surgical Extraction and Implantology A.Y. 2022/2023
In classCity
Evaluation of QualificationsCredits
(Continuing Professional Development)
This program lasts for one academic year, during which students will acquire both theoretical
knowledge and practical skills. The purpose of the Second Level Master Program (CPD course) is
to provide clinicians with necessary means for a correct diagnostic and operative approach to an
ideal implant prosthetic rehabilitation. Students will be drawn into modern implantology from the
diagnosis to the prosthetic rehabilitation and will have the chance to get in contact with the most
modern surgical techniques and technologies. The official language of the Second Level Master
Program (CPD course) will be English.
The Second Level Master Program (CPD course) main partner is the Istituto Stomatologico Toscano
Second Level Master Program (CPD course) Start Date: 10 October 2022
- Lectures will be held at the “Istituto Stomatologico Toscano,” in Camaiore and
“Unicamillus International University” in Rome and 75 % online in collaboration with
GIIA. The first three sessions will be entirely online, while the fourth session in presence in
Italy, between “Istituto Stomatologico Toscano” and “Unicamillus International University”
will start on 23/September/2023 until friday 29/Septeber/2023; - Students during the Second Level Master Program (CPD course) will be followed by the
team of “Gangnam International Implant Academy (GIIA)”, Korea, in collaboration with
“Istituto Stomatologico Toscano”, Italy;* - The practical Hands on and the internship will be held at: the ISTITUTO
STOMATOLOGICO TOSCANO, Italy in collaboration with “Gangnam International
Implant Academy (GIIA)”.
*for information regarding GIIA or Istituto Stomatologico, GIIA contact: [email protected] , phone: +18188609899 (Los Angeles);
Istituto Stomatologico Toscano contact:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: + 0584 618414
Language: English
Final Certification and Formative Credits: All candidates who have completed the required training and passed the final examination will receive a diploma of second-level Master in “Advanced Surgical Extraction and Implantology” (ASEI) with the award of 60 credits (CFU).
Duration: The Second Level Master Program (CPD course) program lasts 12 months and includes a total time of 1.500 hours, divided into:
- practical activity, frontal lectures and seminars;
- internship (750 hours);
- study and individual preparation activities including the preparation of the final exam:
writing a thesis
Attendance mode: The attendance is mandatory for at least the 75% of the total hours of the Second Level Master Program (CPD course).
The theoretical lessons consist of two weeks of online lessons and a one week, the last one, of
frontal lessons (Camaiore and Rome). The last session will be hold in presence in Italy, one day in
Camaiore and 5 days at the Unicamillus University in Rome with the final exam and dinner
ceremony for the certificate.
Places available: A minimum number of 15 students is requested in order to activate the Second Level Master Program (CPD course). Below the threshold of 15 persons, UniCamillus can unilaterally decide not to activate the Second Level Master Program (CPD course) (with return of any already paid
participant fees).
The maximum number of students is 30.
The second level CPD Course has a theoretical-practical approach aimed at providing a learning on the problems of the surgical extraction and the following implant prosthetic rehabilitation phases.
The teachings that are carried out within Istituto Stomatologico Toscano and GIIA, aim to provide basic theoretical and methodological knowledge and consist of lectures and practical laboratory activities.
The modality of the Second Level Master Program (CPD course) is blended, and it includes 3 on-line modules and the last module in Italy as follow:
- Session 1: 10/15 October 2022 → 6 days online;
- Session 2: between November and July→ 6 lectures online;
- Session 3: between January and July → 5 lectures online;
- Session 4: Italian Meeting in Camaiore the first day (Saturday) and 5 days in Rome (23-29 September) → 6 days in presence
The Second Level Master Program (CPD course) includes the following teaching modules:
MOD. 1
– Interpreting and standing the clinical and procedural implications of the specific procedures of Implant Surgery
– To highlight the functional aspects of bone tissue and biological responses to implant insertion Key points
– Bone biology notions
– The phenomena of bone remodeling
– Bone tissue response to prosthetic loads - HOPELESS TEETH AND ALTERNATIVE
– Classification of bone quality
– Pre-oral evaluation
– Screening and treatment of hopeless teeth
– Indication for teeth extraction
– Surgical technique for extraction
– Surgical technique for extraction
– Indication for teeth extraction
– Indication and technique for a minimally invasive extractive surgery
– Wisdom teeth extraction
– Coronectomy of inferior third molars - SURGICAL TECHNIQUE IN ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY
– Preparation of the surgery field in aseptic conditions. Preparation of implant site, implant insertion and insertion torque control. Surgical techniques for incision and suture. Analyze the gnatological implications of implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation
– Gnatomic function lines
– Occlusal Considerations of Implant Supported Implants
– The implant-prosthetic treatment of the disgnotic patient
MOD. 2
– Post-extraction bone remodeling phenomena, ridge preservation techniques, post-extractive implantation, post-mining plant and GBR techniques. Post-extracting plant and immediate loading. - IMMEDIATE LOADING PROCEDURES
– Analyze surgical and prosthetic immediate procedures - HYGIENE PROTOCOLS FOR CANDIDATE TO PROSTHETICREHABILITATION
– Biological considerations on the connection between implant and prosthesis
– Emergency and aesthetic profiles in prosthetic implants
– Evolution of materials andtechniques in aesthetic dentist.
MOD. 3
– To deepen the biological bases of bone regeneration, cellular mechanisms of bone regeneration. Bone reconstruction techniques, type of biomaterials, type of membranes. Alveolar bone reconstruction techniques with bone blocks, maxillary sinus lifting techniques, inlay bone grafts in the posterior mandible. - PERIMPLANTS SOFT TISSUE
– Second stage surgery, management of peri-implant soft tissue - MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY AND ORAL SINUSITIS THERAPY
– Oral reconstructive surgery
– Bone vascular bone
– Cervical maxillary sinus - TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANTITIS
– Understand the prevalence of peri-implant pathologies, treatment principles,surgical techniques, and prevalence of post-treatment success
MOD. 4
– Explain the main connection options in implant prostheses by exploring the micromechanical aspects and organic a – Plant / abutment connection b – Abutment / prosthesis connectio c – Component analysis of components - PROSTHETIC DESIGN IN IMPLANTOLOGY
– To make known the principles that guide the design of prosthetic rehabilitation on plants as far as the number pillars, biomechanical and aesthetic considerations(a) – Biomechanics of implant-supported prosthetic reconstruction (b) – Diagnostic wax-up (c )- project (d) – Realization of the surgical stent (e) – Considerations on tooth-implant connection(f) - COMPUTER GUIDED SURGERY & INNOVATIONS IN IMPLANTOLOGY
– Diagnostic surgical and prosthetic procedures Innovations in implantology
The Second Level CPD Course Director is Prof. Ugo Covani (1)
The Second Level CPD Course Co-Director is Prof. Young Sam Kim (2)
Main speakers are:
- Dr. Angelo Cardarelli
- Dr. Saverio Cosola
- Dr. Enrica Giammarinaro
- Dr. Simone Marconcini
- Dr. Giovanni Menchini Fabris
- Dr. Young Min Park
(1) Prof. Ugo Covani, MD DDS Professor
- Medicine Doctor – Certified in Surgery and in Stomatology
- President of Istituto Stomatologico Toscano c/o Versilia general Hospital
- Former Full Professor of Dentistry University of Pisa
- Visiting Professor Dept. Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) e Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (Spain)
- Past-President della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale, dell’European Board of Oral Surgery e dell’Italian Academy of Osseointegration
- Author of about 300 publications, half of them in international peer reviewed journals and 5 books and as many book chapters
(2) Prof. Young Sam Kim (DDS, PhD, MSc)
- Principal Dentist at Gangnam Dental Clinic.
- Associate professor at Jeonbuk National University School of Dentistry.
- Associate professor at Yonsei University College of Dentistry; Associate professor at Pusan National University School of Dentistry Faculty member of Ostem (Hiossen).
- Implant Korea Head director of Dentis.
- Implant continuing education Director of Gangnam Academy of Wisdom tooth Extraction (GAWE). Director of Gangnam Academy of Dental Implantology (GADI) UCLA school of dentistry Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Preceptor.
- Director of “Gangnam International Implant Academy (GIIA)”.
One of the following degree titles are required to be admitted to the Second Level CPD Course program:
- Master and / or specialist degree in dentistry and dental prosthesis;
- Master and/ or specialist degree in medicine and surgery with specialization in Dentistry or qualification for the practice of dentistry;
- Master in Medicine and Surgery.
Other candidates who can also apply:
- Candidates in possession of an Academic Degree equivalent to those listed above obtained in a foreign University.
- Candidates in possession of an Academic Degree obtained abroad and equivalent in duration and content to those listed above.
The application must be submitted via the GOMP student portal following instructions given in the GUIDE by 10th September 2022.
In order to complete your application, you will need to provide the following documents, which will be attached to the portal during the procedure:
- curriculum vitae et studiorum in European format, dated and signed, in PDF format;
- PDF format of a valid identity document;
- PDF format of the degree certificate;
- JPG or PNG format of a personal photo;
- any additional qualifications you wish to submit for assessment for admission;
- declaration that you have read the information regarding the processing of personal data pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” (hereinafter also “GDPR”) provided by UniCamillus.
- photocopy of the tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners in possession of one);
- for candidates in possession of qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required: declaration in lieu of certification, pursuant to art. 46 point m of D.P.R. 28/12/2000, no. 445, certifying the achievement of the qualifications in question, in accordance with current legislation.
- Payment of first instalment.
For candidates with qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required:
– Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or CIMEA Certificate of Comparability accompanied by CIMEA Certificate of Verification (by accessing the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Students who submit incomplete documentation will be admitted with reservation and cannot complete their enrolment until all the required documentation has been submitted.
Conditional enrolment will not be accepted due to incomplete documentation or incorrect entry of data on the application form.
Following admission, candidates will have to follow the enrolment procedure following the indications provided in the appropriate guide, which will be sent by email together with the notification of admission to the CPD course.
Documentation and attachments to download
The partecipation fee is *8.000 € to be paied in 3 intervalls of the same :
- Euro 3.000 + Euro 50 DUTY STAMPS = tot 3.050 → by 10/09/2022 (Together with the submission of the application for admission)
- Euro 2.500 → by 10/11/2022
- Euro 2.500 by 10/03/2023
If the candidate does not make the payment within the time specified by UniCamillus he will lose the right to enroll/participate.
Scuola post-Laurea
UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma
Website: www.unicamillus.org
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 06 40 06 40
PEC: [email protected]
CPD Course partner

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