CPD Second Level Course
European Vascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery A.Y. 2024/2025
In classCity
Evaluation of QualificationsCredits
Academic year 2024-2025
The course aims to meet not only educational but also care needs. In particular, it focuses on microsurgery and endovascular treatment of cerebral and spinal vascular malformations, such as cerebral aneurysms, AVMs, dural fistulas and large vessel occlusions.
Sponsors of the course: Zeiss, Stryker, Takayama Instruments.
The course has obtained the UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) European certification with 56 ECTS credits and is sponsored by the SiNCH, Italian Society of Neurosurgery, the SNO, Italian Society of Hospital Neurologists, Neuroradiologists and Neurosurgeons and the WFNS, the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. This is the only CPD course in Europe to have achieved such special recognition.
Scheduled start date: 01/03/2025
• online lectures
• practical sessions at UniCamillus University (as well as all necessary and appropriate venues for practical activities, i.e. companies, laboratories, etc.)
• internships in ROME, MILAN, BOLOGNA, BARCELONA, MADRID, GOTTINGEN, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Istituto Neurologico “Carlo Besta”, Ospedale Bellaria di Bologna, Hospital de Bellvitge di Barcellona, “Vall d’Hebron” University Hospital of Barcelona, University Hospital of Madrid, University Hospital of Gottingen
Language: English
ECTS credits: 60
The programme lasts 12 months and comprises a total of 1,500 hours, divided as follows:
• lectures and seminars;
• practical sessions;
• internship;
• individual study and activities including preparation for the final exam (50 hrs);
Attendance mode:
Attendance is mandatory for at least 80% of the total number of hours. As far as lectures and seminars are concerned, up to X weekends per month should be attended. The total number of hours dedicated to the internship will be scheduled in accordance with the host organisation.
Available slots:
A minimum number of 8 students are requested to start the course. If this number is not reached, UniCamillus may unilaterally decide not to start the course (in which case all fees will be reimbursed).
The course is designed to meet not only educational but also care needs; in particular, it focuses on microsurgery and endovascular treatment of cerebral and spinal vascular malformations, such as cerebral aneurysms, AVMs, dural fistulas and large vessel occlusions.
The programme includes lectures, practical training at host organisations and workshops with vascular and endovascular simulators.
All topics related to cerebral aneurysms, AVMs, dural fistulas and large vessel occlusions will be covered.
The course Director is Prof. Simone Peschillo.
Main lecturers:
In order to be accepted on to the course you have to meet at least one of the following requirements (or be in the process of completing them by the end date of enrolment):
– have an MD in Medicine and Surgery;
– be enrolled on a Neurosurgery specialisation course;
– have certified experience in the neurovascular or neuroendovascular field.
Candidates who may also apply:
• Individuals in possession of qualifications equivalent to those listed above obtained under the previous university system.
• Individuals holding an academic qualification obtained abroad that is equivalent in duration and content to those listed above.
The University reserves the right to accept applicants with different qualifications, but which are relevant to the CPD course.
The application must be submitted via the GOMP student portal following instructions given in the GUIDE by 1st February 2025.
In order to complete your application, you will need to provide the following documents, which will be attached to the portal during the procedure:
- curriculum vitae et studiorum in European format, dated and signed, in PDF format;
- PDF format of a valid identity document;
- PDF format of the degree certificate;
- JPG or PNG format of a personal photo;
- any additional qualifications you wish to submit for assessment for admission;
- declaration that you have read the information regarding the processing of personal data pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” (hereinafter also “GDPR”) provided by UniCamillus.
- photocopy of the tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners in possession of one);
- for candidates in possession of qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required: declaration in lieu of certification, pursuant to art. 46 point m of D.P.R. 28/12/2000, no. 445, certifying the achievement of the qualifications in question, in accordance with current legislation.
- Payment of first instalment.
For candidates with qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required:
– Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or CIMEA Certificate of Comparability accompanied by CIMEA Certificate of Verification (by accessing the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Students who submit incomplete documentation will be admitted with reservation and cannot complete their enrolment until all the required documentation has been submitted.
Conditional enrolment will not be accepted due to incomplete documentation or incorrect entry of data on the application form.
Following admission, candidates will have to follow the enrolment procedure following the indications provided in the appropriate guide, which will be sent by email together with the notification of admission to the CPD course.
Download the Call for Applications
The registration fee for the course is € 8,000, plus € 50.00 for secretarial fees (including registration stamp and stamp for the issuing of certificates) to be paid in a single instalment by 01/02/2025.
If candidates do not make the payment within the timeframe specified by UniCamillus in the admission notice, they shall lose their position in the ranking list and the list will be scrolled until all slots are filled.
RIGHT TO RECONSIDER – Within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of payment, students may exercise the right to reconsider. As a consequence, students unilaterally waive from their enrolment by explicitly communicating to UniCamillus their willing to waive. This request should be sent by certified email to [email protected].
In case of exercising this right to reconsider, UniCamillus will proceed to refund the paid amount within the following 14 (fourteen) days – withholding an amount of 5% of the paid sum for secretarial services – using the same means of payment previously employed by the User, unless expressly indicating a different means of payment.
Except for mandatory cases, expressly stated in this announcement, no refund will be made under any circumstances.
RIGHT TO WAIVE STUDIES – By exercising the right of abandonment or waiver of studies, students will no longer have access to any educational activity and/or qualification to use the tools UniCamillus puts at their disposal. Students wishing to waive must submit a waiver application using an online procedure. They must access the student portal (GOMP) with their credentials, visiting the “ careers> applications> study waiver application” section.
In case of waiver, the amounts paid until the moment of presentation of the waiver request will not be reimbursed under any circumstances. Students who waive or abandon their studies after the beginning of classes are required to pay the whole amount of fees.
Activation of the Second Level Master Program is conditional on reaching a minimum number of 15 enrolments. In the event that the Second Level Master Program does not start due to failure to reach the minimum number, the University will refund the entire fee paid, without withholding anything by way of penalty.
Scuola post-Laurea
UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma
Website: www.unicamillus.org
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 06 40 06 40
PEC: [email protected]