CPD Second Level Course

Implant Dentistry A.Y. 2024/2025

In class
Evaluation of Qualifications
€ 11.500


The University Master Program (CPD Course) in Implant Dentistry (UMID) is designed for the general dentist who has already taken the first step into the field of implant dentistry. You have already placed implants and now want to develop your practical skills and build up solid scientific knowledge to provide safe, appropriate and efficient treatments.

The 18-month modular Master Program (CPD Course)’s programme takes into account your time constraints and job responsibilities.  The teaching mode is blended: a blended teaching approach combining on-site lectures and live distance learning. During the course of your studies, you will be required to travel five times to university centres, where you will attend live lectures, practical classes and live surgeries and grow from the input of our international lecturers, guest lectures and fellow students.

The Master Program (CPD Course)’s main partner is Istituto Stomatologico Toscano (IST), chaired by Prof. Ugo Covani.

Planned Lessons Start Date: May 2025

Location: Theoretical-practical lessons will be held at “Istituto Stomatologico Toscano”(IST), Lido di Camaiore, Italy, and “Unicamillus International Medical University”, Rome, Italy.

Language: English

Credits: 90 C.F.U.

Duration: The Master Program (CPD Course) lasts 18 months and includes a total time of 2.250 hours, divided into:

  • Webinars
  • lectures and seminars
  • Internship (observational)
  • Study and individual preparation activities including the preparation of the final exam

Attendence Mode:
The attendance is mandatory for at least the 80% of the total hours of the Master Program (CPD Course).
The ‘University Master Program (CPD Course) in Implant Dentistry’ (UMID) takes your time constraints and job responsibilities into consideration. There are six modules of five days each. The teaching modality is blended: a mixed mode approach education that combines on-campus lessons and live distance learning. The first module will take place online and the other five in presence. You have to travel 5 times to University centers during your course of studies. You will have live lessons, hands-on courses and live surgeries thus grow through input from our international faculty, guest lectures and fellow students.
Upon activation of the Master Program (CPD Course) (after the deadline for enrolment) the final schedule will be sent out.
Any changes will be communicated by email.

Places Available: 
A minimum number of 15 enrolment is requested in order to activate the Master Program (CPD Course). Below the threshold of 15 enrolments, UniCamillus can unilaterally decide not to activate the Master Program (CPD Course) (with return of any already paid participant fees). The maximum number of students is 30.


Module 1: Introduction and Maxillofacial Anatomy

  • Master Course Overview: Objectives and structure.
  • Importance of continuous education in oral implantology.
  • Maxillary and Mandibular Anatomy for implant placement.
  • Remote observation of live surgical procedures performed by the professor in the operative room and broadcasted in real-time via platform. Discussion on techniques, patient management, and real-time Q&A with the professor.

Module 2: Bone Biology and Surgical Techniques

  • Biological processes and bone healing in implantology.
  • Patient selection and preliminary diagnosis for implants.
  • Radiological diagnostic techniques and study models.

Module 3: Advanced Implant Surgery

  • Surgical planning and computer-guided surgery.
  • Advanced techniques for bone drilling and flap management.
  • Practical exercises on models simulators to enhance surgical skills.

Module 4: Soft Tissue Management and Aesthetics

  • Morphology and biology of peri-implant soft tissues.
  • Aesthetic soft tissue surgery.
  • Aesthetic considerations in smile design.

Module 5: Advanced Prosthodontics and Implant Prosthetics

  • Prosthetic components and implant-abutment connections.
  • Classification of prostheses for different types of edentulism.
  • Prosthetic design
  • Practical CADAVER COURSE for hands-on experience.

Module 6: Complications Management and Case Studies

  • Identification, prevention, and management of intraoperative and postoperative complications.
  • Case study analysis and critical discussion of complications and their resolutions.
  • Literature review and application of evidence-based principles in clinical practice.


26/05/2025 – 27/05/2025 – 28/05/2025 – 29/05/2025 – 30/05/2025

live webinar

24/11/2025 – 25/11/2025 – 26/11/2025 – 27/11/2025 – 28/11/2025

on-campus lessons at IST Course Center

19/01/2026 – 20/01/2026 – 21/01/2026 – 22/01/2026 – 23/01/2026

on-campus lessons at IST Course Center

25/05/2026 – 26/05/2026 – 27/05/2026 – 28/05/2026 – 29/05/2026

on-campus lessons at IST Course Center

21/09/2026 – 22/09/2026 – 23/09/2026 – 24/09/2026 – 25/09/2026

on-campus lessons at IST Course Center

23/11/2026 – 24/11/2026 – 25/11/2026 – 26/11/2026 – 27/11/2026

on-campus lessons at Unicamillus


The Master Director is Prof. Ugo Covani (1)

The Master Co-Director is Dr. Simone Marconcini (2)


(1)  Prof Ugo Covani, MD DDS Professor

Medicine Doctor – Certified in Surgery and in Stomatology

President of Istituto Stomatologico Toscano c/o Versilia general Hospital

Former Full Professor of Dentistry University of Pisa

Visiting Professor Dept. Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) e Universidad Cat ólica San Antonio de Murcia (Spain)

Past-President della Societ à Italiana di Chirurgia Orale, dell’European Board of Oral Surgery e dell’Italian Academy of Osseointegration

Author of about 300 publicazions, half of them in international peer reviewed journals and 5 books and as many book chapters


(2) Simone Marconcini, (DDS, PhD, MSc)

Responsible for the Scientific Research at the Tuscan Stomatologic Institute – research fundation – http://www.istitutostomatologicotoscano.com (Lido di Camaiore, Italy), Doctor of Philosophy in Nanotechnology at the University of Genova, MSc in Bone Reconstruction, award-winning specialist in oral surgery and implantology (University of Pisa), with over 10 years experience of research in oral health. Strong communication and leadership skills that helped expanding the scientific network of the Tuscan Stomatologic Institute. National scientific qualification as associate professor in stomatology with experience in teaching at the University of Pisa in graduate and post-graduate courses. International speaker at several dental meetings, including IADR world congresses in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and upcoming 2019. Winner of the ADR/PHILIPS ORAL HEALTHCARE YOUNG INVESTIGATOR RESEARCH GRANT with the project titled “The influence of different surgical protocols on the outcome of dental implants in diabetic patients.”. Author of more than 50 scientific publications in impacted scientific journals (see below), co-author of three books, active member of IADR, IAO (Italian Academy of Osteointegration). Excellent English and French speaker, professional tennis player, proud dad.


In order to be admitted to the Master Program (CPD Course)’s Course, it is compulsory to hold at least one of the following degrees title:

  • Master’s Degree in “Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis” or other equivalent qualification class LM-46; EQF: 7.
  • Master’s Degree in “Medicine and Surgery” or other equivalent qualification class LM-41; EQF: 7.
Candidates in possession of an academic qualification obtained abroad, equivalent in duration and content to those listed above, can apply as well. In the latter case, candidates must provide Declaration of Value, issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (together with “Transcript of Records” + duplicate of final degree) or CIMEA Statements of Comparability-Statement of correspondence (ARDI)  along with CIMEA Statements of Verification (through CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (in case of European Degrees) issued by the University of origin and legalized by the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Candidates who do not have or do not present by the first day of class the requirements laid down in the regulations in force, forfeit their enrolment if already admitted and have no right to refunds of any amount paid to the University. In case of lacking of the aforementioned requirements, Didactic Administrative Office can exclude candidates from the Master Program (CPD Course) at any time and with a justified provision.


The application must be submitted via the GOMP student portal following instructions given in the GUIDE by 1st April 2025.

In order to complete your application, you will need to provide the following documents, which will be attached to the portal during the procedure:

  • curriculum vitae et studiorum in European format, dated and signed, in PDF format;
  • PDF format of a valid identity document;
  • PDF format of the degree certificate;
  • JPG or PNG format of a personal photo;
  • any additional qualifications you wish to submit for assessment for admission;
  • declaration that you have read the information regarding the processing of personal data pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the “protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data” (hereinafter also “GDPR”) provided by UniCamillus.
  • photocopy of the tax code or health card (for Italian citizens and foreigners in possession of one);
  • for candidates in possession of qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required: declaration in lieu of certification, pursuant to art. 46 point m of D.P.R. 28/12/2000, no. 445, certifying the achievement of the qualifications in question, in accordance with current legislation.
  • Payment of first instalment.

For candidates with qualifications equivalent/equivalent to those required:
– Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco issued by the Italian Consular Authority of the country of study (accompanied by transcript of records + copy of the final diploma) or CIMEA Certificate of Comparability accompanied by CIMEA Certificate of Verification (by accessing the CIMEA platform) or Diploma Supplement (if it is a European qualification) issued by the University of origin and legalised at the Italian Embassy of the country of study. Students who submit incomplete documentation will be admitted with reservation and cannot complete their enrolment until all the required documentation has been submitted.

Conditional enrolment will not be accepted due to incomplete documentation or incorrect entry of data on the application form.
Following admission, candidates will have to follow the enrolment procedure following the indications provided in the appropriate guide, which will be sent by email together with the notification of admission to the CPD course.

Download the Call for Applications


The registration fee is € 11.500,00 plus € 50,00 for secretarial fees (including registration and degree certificate issue stamp duty) to be paid in 3 instalments:

1.  € 3.500 + € 50  by 1 April 2025 at the time of registration and in any case within 1 April 2025

2.  € 4.000 by 1 October 2025

3.  € 4.000 by 1 April 2026

Scuola post-Laurea

UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences Via di Sant’Alessandro 8 – 00131 Roma

Website: www.unicamillus.org
Mail: [email protected]
Tel. 06 40 06 40
PEC: [email protected]