Admission testCredits
360MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
Taught in Italian
6 years
The MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (MDCDP) is divided into 6 years
The fundamental educational objective is to impart theoretical knowledge and technical competences required to practice Dentistry in accordance with the common standards of EU dentistry schools. In particular, all graduates will receive an adequate and excellent education so as to practice Dentistry at the highest level, and also competences directed towards various scientific research specializations and/or similar thematic areas.
On completion of the course of study, the graduate will have gained technical knowledge and skills to take place professionally in the dental field, both public and private.
In the general aspects, the MDCDP biennium addresses the study of basic educational activities aimed at making known to the students the fundamentals of the structural organization and of the vital functions of the human body, and it comprises courses that address issues related to the relationship dentist-patient and the comprehension of the underlying principles of the scientific method. The following triennium comprises the study of disciplines of medical, surgical and specialistic interest, with special reference to clinical issues related to dental pathologies, to semiotics of the oral cavity, to the neuro-muscular disorders of the head and neck, and to oral manifestations. The educational activities are carried out in conjunction with the study of dental disciplines and with the professionalizing clinical practice. The sixth year includes a professionalizing educational activity aimed at the care of the patient with odontostomatological issues. Frontal seminar teaching is aimed at the interdisciplinary discussion of assigned clinical cases.
Language of the Programme:
- Italian in all six years for students enrolled since the academic year 2023/2024;
- English in the first two years and Italian from the 3rd year for students enrolled from the academic year 2020/2021 to the academic year 2022/2023.
Head of School: Prof. Paola Cozza
Programme director: Dr Alessia Galati ([email protected])
Job Opportunities
Graduates of the Master Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics can practice the dental profession following the passing the State exam and the enrollment in the Order of Dentists.
They will be allowed to practice the dental profession in the various roles and clinical, sanitary and biomedical professional fields.
They will also be able to perform managerial activities of 1st and 2nd level in facilities of the National Health Service, in accordance with the current laws.
Job opportunities of UniCamillus students ontologically have a further international vocational outlet, with particular reference to areas of the world in which health deficiency is higher and often tragic. The Athenaeum invites to enrol young students with a strong humanitarian vocation, and who can potentially dedicate, if not all, at least part of their professional life in service of less fortunate populations of the South of the World.
Moreover, considering that many students of this University come from such countries, it will be inevitable – through precise placement actions developed by the University thanks to its international network – to supply sanitary centers of developing countries that are currently counting (a bit too much) on voluntary work of health professionals of Western countries, by trying to increase the number of local health professionals.
Teaching mode and activities
Courses are divided into semesters.
Integrated courses are the mandatory courses expected from the study plan. They are made of various courses, that may even be of different scientific-disciplinary areas, with the purpose of achieving a common specific educational objective.
Elective courses are carried out only in the areas of optional educational activities, and they include academic lectures and/or seminars.
Type of teaching modes. Within the courses it is defined the division of the CFUs (Crediti Formativi Universitari; “University Educational Credits”) and of the educational timing in the various forms of teaching, as follows:
Ex-cathedra lessons: It is defined as an “ex-cathedra lesson” (from now on “frontal lesson”) the discussion of a specific subject identified with a title and that is part of the educational curriculum intended for the Study Course, carried out by a Professor, according to a pre-determined calendar, and imparted to students regularly enrolled in a specific year, even divided in smaller groups.
Seminar: The seminar is an educational activity with the same characteristics of the frontal lesson, but it is carried out by more Professors simultaneously, even pertaining to different disciplinary fields (or with different competences), and, as such, it is recorded in the lesson registry. Also clinical-pathological Conferences eventually carried out in clinical teachings are recognized as seminar activities.
Professionalizing educational activity: Clinical practice activities are aimed at making the students gain specific professional skills and competences. The responsibility of planning and organizing the clinical practice devolves to a Coordinator of professionalizing educational activities, who avails of Tutors with the same professional profile or who belong to a similar scientific disciplinary field, with a consolidated professional and educational experience, assigned with roles to the didactic structure and chosen in accordance with health facilities where the educational activity is carried out. In the internship facilities, health professionals are chosen as referents/supervisors and cooperate during the conduction of the internship.
Dental Laboratory
UniCamillus has an innovative laboratory for practical and professional dental activities aimed at our MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics students. It also allows for the simulation of clinical activities.
The laboratory features 24 high-tech dental workstations for students, as well as a workstation for the tutor. The tutor’s workstation is equipped with a surgical operating lamp with an integrated camera, ideal for ensuring effective, direct, and precise communication during training with students. Each individual workstation is equipped with an LCD monitor capable of instantly transmitting the practical demonstrations of the tutor through the Easy-Teach software. Each workstation consists of four Smily simulators which form a circular island, enabling the tutor to carefully monitor students’ work in real-time while at the University.
Requirements for all EU and non-EU candidates
Candidates who, are willing to take the admission test must meet one of the following requirements:
- possession of a secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling.
Candidates who have obtained the diploma abroad must complete such documentation with the Declaration of Value issued by the Italian diplomatic representation abroad or with the CIMEA Certification. - attending the last year of a secondary school which allows for the achievement of a valid qualification/diploma for the admission to the degree course (secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling). It will be necessary to provide, within the set deadline, a suitable diploma/qualification in accordance with the regulations in force, under penalty of exclusion from the enrolment and/or admission procedure. Candidates are not entitled to a refund of any amount paid to the University for any reason.
- final high school diploma obtained after 10 or 11 years of schooling, supplemented by one or two years of university and the passing of all the examinations required for the years attended.
- attending the penultimate year of a secondary school which allows for the achievement of a valid qualification/diploma for the admission to the degree course (secondary school diploma obtained after 12 years of schooling).
The scores of the tests taken during the penultimate year of high school will be valid for the entry ranking for the year when the Diploma is obtained. Such candidates will be able to take two more test during the last year of school, the results of which will be valid for the entry ranking for the year in which the Diploma is awarded.
In order to complete the registration to the admission test, each candidate must follow the instructions on the dedicated page and pay the test registration fee.
The candidate is responsible for the information submitted when completing the application form in all its parts. The presence of false, incorrect or omitted information, even in only one part of the application, will result in immediate exclusion from the test or, if the latter has already been passed, removal of the candidate from the list of admitted students without any payment refund rights.
Admission test
Candidates are admitted through an admission test. The admission procedure differs for EU and non-EU candidates.
⇒ For further details, please refer to the dedicated web page – Calls for application.
Modules offered
This includes all the courses (plus corresponding ECTS credits and codes) offered under the programme for the academic year and year of enrolment mentioned below:
Modules taught
This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:
Modules taught
This includes all the courses (plus name of tutor(s) and number of hours) offered under the programme for the academic year mentioned in the validated list of modules taught file below:
Any information regarding the admission requirements, the final exam, the Committee, the final grade and its determination is available within the Regulations for the final exam of the MSc Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (MDCDP) .
Download the Regulations (in Italian).
In the regulation you can find the information concerning the deadline and the online procedure to be followed by every undergraduates. Here below the annexes that must be used for the drafting of the dissertation:
Annex no. 1 – Deadlines Time Schedule (Annex_1 pdf file);
Annex no. 2 – Cover of the Dissertation facsimile (ongoing);
Annex no. 3 – Frontispiece of the Dissertation (ongoing);
Annex no. 4 – Logo (Annex_4 png file);
Annex no. 5 – Research originality statement and declaration of academic honesty (Annex_5 pdf file);
Annex no. 6 – Template Power Point (Annex_6 ppt file);
Annex no.7 – Suggestions for the Drafting of the Dissertation – (ongoing);
Annex no.8 – Assignment module Thesis Lecturer (Annex_8 ppt file in italian).
Should you need further information regarding the Graduation procedure, please contact the Graduation Office at [email protected]
Degree programmes QA system
Our study programmes are at the heart of the University’s educational mission and are continuously being updated by the Quality Assurance Group set up for each programme.
The Quality Assurance Group is composed of the Head of School, a Programme Director, a faculty member and a student representative. The Quality Assurance Group contributes to the design, implementation and verification of all activities related to each programme, ensuring their correct and smooth running in coordination with the University’s Quality Committee and other Quality Assurance members.
During the transitional period provided for in the Statute, the Quality Assurance Group is also called upon to perform the functions normally assigned to the Review Group.
Its responsibilities include:
1) identifying potential improvements for the programme, setting deadlines and indicators to verify the degree of implementation;
2) verify the achievement of predetermined objectives or identify reasons for non-achievement or partial achievement;
3) preparation of the Annual Monitoring Sheet;
4) preparation of the Cyclical Review Report.
Quality Assurance Group for the Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics programme
Reports from students
“Reports from students” is the service through which UniCamillus students can report and notice on topics such as teachings or organization. It aims to promote efficient and direct communication between students and University Offices.
→ Reports to Programme director: [email protected]
→ Reports to Didactic Administrative Office of the Degree Course: [email protected]
The Dentistry Degree Course secretariat answers by phone at the following times:
• Tuesday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
• Wednesday from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
• Thursday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
→ Request related to academic career: [email protected]
→ Requests to Student Representatives (Representatives’ task is to collect student suggestions and recommend activities to encourage students to actively participate in university life):
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 2024-2025 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 2023-2024 Teaching Regulations (in Italian)
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 2022-2023 Teaching Regulations
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 2021-2022 Teaching Regulations
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics 2020-2021 Teaching Regulations
⇒ Tuition and fees regulation
⇒ Download the regulations “Progetto di prevenzione delle malocclusioni e della salute oro-funzionale” (A.Y. 2022/2023) – (in Italian)
⇒ MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Internship Regulations
⇒ Academic Regulation for the final examination of the MSc in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetic (in Italian) – Attachments and details to the Graduation section
Peer Tutoring Service
Peer tutors are responsible for accompanying students throughout their university studies and, more specifically, for guiding them through group or individual meetings focused on: exam planning, study organisation, content sharing in agreement with the teaching staff; collaboration in orientation initiatives.