Gabriella D’Orazi

General Pathology - MEDS-02/A

Gabriella D’Orazi has received the MD degree (1986) and the PhD degree in Experimental Medicine (1992) at the University of Rome, La Sapienza. She has received a Master in Human Nutrition (2003).

In 1992 she was appointed as Assistant Professor in General pathology (MED/04) at the University “G. D’Annunzio” in Chieti, and as Associate Professor (2017-2024) of General Pathology in the same University where she taught General Pathology and Pathophysiology in Bsc, MSc, Medical School, Specialization Schools and Master Courses. She has been vice-president of the Master Degree in Dietitian and has also been appointed in several academic committees.

She has been Contractor Professor in 2017/2018 in the Biology Course, Department of Sciences, University RomaTre, in Rome.

She has been Shared Professor with the Unicamillus University in Rome (2020-2023), and then Contractor Professor (2023-2024), teaching General Pathology and Physiopathology in several courses, in Italian and in English.

She worked for 4 years (1989-1992) as Fogarty Fellow and Senior Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institute of Health, Bethesda (MD, USA).

She worked as Visiting Scientist at the National Institute of Cancer Regina Elena, in Rome, in the Molecular Oncogenesis laboratory where she is collaborating Senior Scientist since 2000.

Prof. D’Orazi has more than three decade-long experience in the research field of Molecular Oncology with focus on the regulatory mechanisms of the oncosuppressor p53 and of its activator HIPK2, during cancer progression and tumor response to treatments, with characterization and validation of novel prognostics and therapeutic strategies.

She received numerous National and International research grants.

She is serving as editorial member of several international scientific journals.

By the end of 2024 Prof. D’Orazi has authored 137 scientific peer reviewed publications (Citations Number: 12.057; H index: 47; Science Citation Index 2024).

She is in the Top Italian Scientist list:’Orazi_-_Top_Italian_Scientist_in_Biomedical_Sciences

She is Associate Professor at the UniCamillus University in Rome.