This notice is aimed at all students enrolled in the first year of the Medicine and Surgery single-cycle degree course in English at the UniCamillus University who wish to transfer to the 2nd year.
This possibility is permitted on the basis of a number of places made available on the expiry date of this notice.
All students who, after the enrolment, have submitted a regular credits recognition request and have already sent back to the Didactic Office of the Degree Course the summary sheet of credits recognised by the Evaluation Committee signed for acceptance may respond to the following notice. Students who have fulfilled this requirement may adhere to this notice by submitting an application to transfer to the 2nd year by completing and signing the appropriate application form (Attachment 1) and sending it in the manner indicated in point 1).
1) Procedure for submitting the application for transfer to the 2nd year
The application for transfer to the 2nd year (Attachment 1), duly completed and signed, must be submitted within Tuesday 02/01/2024 by 5PM using the following methods:
– by email to [email protected]
– by certified electronic mail (PEC) to [email protected]
In the subject line of the email, it is necessary to write the following sentence: “Application for transfer to 2nd year MSc in Medicine – Notice no. 4470 of 20/12/2023 “.
2) Procedures for applications evaluation and admission requirements
On the basis of the received applications, the Registrar’s Office will assess them by checking the CFUs already
recognised for the student following the credit recognition application.
In the event of an equal number of recognised CFU, the candidate with the highest average mark will prevail.
In the event of a further equal number of marks, the youngest candidate will prevail.
The minimum requirement for passing to the 2nd year is 22 CFU. Recognised CFUs relating to “Elective Courses” will be excluded from this calculation.
3) Ranking list:
The evaluation results of the transfer to the 2nd year requests, will be published on the website and on the University WebApp on Wednesday 03/01/2024.
Only candidates who have submitted within the provided deadlines their transfer applications will be indicated anonymously (ID number and initials of name and last name) in the ranking list.
Candidates who have applied for transfer having obtained a score below the minimum requirements indicated in point 2) will not be admitted to the 2nd year and will therefore remain enrolled in the 1st year.
The Registrar’s Office will send an email confirming the transfer to those who have been placed in a useful position in the ranking list. As soon as the procedure is finalised on Gomp, students will also be able to follow the lessons relating to the 2nd year study plan, in accordance with the didactic calendar.
Students, who have accrued the right to transfer in accordance with the provisions of this notice, will be granted the hours of attendance of lectures concerning the study plan of the 2nd year up to the date of the actual transfer.
Students are reminded that for any information of a didactic nature, they must contact the Didactic Office of Medicine and Surgery Didactic Office by sending an email to [email protected].
For further information please contact the Registrar’s Office at [email protected].
Rome, 20/12/2023
Registrar’s Office
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