“Today is an exciting day for UniCamillus. An important project, with high social and ethical value, has started. It engages our University and put it at service of the children’s oral health of Istituto Comprensivo Belforte del Chienti”.
This said Gianni Profita, the Dean of the International Medical University in Rome UniCamillus, on the launching of the “Project on the evaluation of the oral health and prevention of malocclusions” for the children of the Institute. The project consists of free visits at the school by dentistry trainers and it will be coordinated by Professors specialized in the branch.
“The first mission of our University regards didactics, the second regards the research, and the third is about creating links in our territory. By establishing a relationship with a school of very high importance in this area of the city, it goes in this direction and, moreover, makes us wish that a continuity will be created and that this will lead the present students to become UniCamillus freshmen tomorrow.
For this reason, we decided to offer scholarships to those students who are willing to start a medical degree after their high school diploma”, the Dean Profita concluded.