Ongoing Orientation
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
BSc Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
Ongoing orientation and tutoring activities have the essential task of fostering learning and promoting effective career advancement for students.
These activities are divided into three services:
– a Disciplinary and Didactic Tutoring service;
– a University Staff Tutoring service;
– a Technical Tutoring service.
The main purpose of the Disciplinary or Didactic Tutoring service is to foster students’ learning process, their ability to engage in dialogue and their frequent interaction with the lecturers in order to solve problems and deepen their understanding of the covered topics. The disciplinary tutoring service is guaranteed not only by the lecturers and staff, who collaborate with the lecturers in teaching activities and in carrying out supplementary teaching activities (tutorials, laboratories, seminars, internships, etc.), but also by disciplinary tutors and clinical tutors.
More specifically, the Degree Course Director coordinates students’ tutoring requests to enhance the disciplinary tutors’ work, who collaborate closely with lecturers to help them organise and manage teaching, taking students’ needs into account. Therefore, disciplinary tutors act as privileged interlocutors for the latter in a constant effort to foster dialogue and learning processes.
The University Staff Tutoring service is aimed at all students and provides an integration and support plan for university life, starting with first-year students up to undergraduates and graduates, through scheduled and requested individual interviews, as well as specific initiatives for groups of students.
The main purposes of the service can be resumed as follows:
Students are assisted right up to the end of their studies through support in the choice of their dissertation, in order to enhance their skills, aptitudes and interests, bearing in mind the needs of the labour market. In addition, an active tutoring service is guaranteed for students in difficulty, in particular with regard to passing profit examinations, through interventions by the University aimed at encouraging more effective study methods and overcoming inactivity or lack of confidence.
The Technical Tutoring service provides technical assistance, which actively supports students and simplifies their access to the various online environments of the Course of Study.
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
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