Ongoing Orientation
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
MSc Human Nutrition Sciences
Ongoing orientation and tutoring activities have the essential task of fostering learning and promoting effective career advancement for students.
Ongoing orientation activities consist of three services:
– a Disciplinary and Didactic Tutoring service;
– a University Staff Tutoring service;
– a Technical Tutoring service.
The Personalized Tutoring Service is offered to all students by didactic tutors, faculty members who will support students in managing and organizing their university journey, interacting with professors, and approaching exams. The goal is to guide them in acquiring greater awareness regarding the choices to be made during their academic career. This service aims to:
University Staff Tutoring: This service is directed at all the students and provides an integration and support plan for university life, starting with first-year students up to near-graduates and graduates, through scheduled and requested individual interviews, as well as specific initiatives for groups of students.
University Staff Tutoring main purposes are:
– guaranteeing to students an individual and orienting tutoring service with the aim in order to identify their resources and potential to develop their learning skills;
– managing any difficulties and take active responsibility for them, and offer help in dealing with the different stages of the university path, framing them in a broader motivational and value context;
– foster effective integration into the Degree Course educational pathway and into university life;
– encourage effective career advancement, specifically through: assistance activities in individual study plans filling; orientation activities aiming at facilitating the choice of the best educational path for their characteristics, taking into account career monitoring results;
– optimizing the use of time and the work organization, identifying the best learning methodologies, promoting motivation, self-effectiveness and efficacy of the relationship with the Professors;
– scheduling exams and promoting self-evaluation of personal achievements.
Assistance to students is guaranteed until the end of their studies with support in the choice of their dissertation, with the aim of enhancing their skills, aptitudes and interests, keeping in mind the labor market needs. Moreover, an active tutoring service is guaranteed for students in difficulty, particularly with regard to passing exams, through interventions by our University aimed at encouraging greater effectiveness of study methods and overcoming conditions of inactivity or distrust.
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
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