Ongoing Orientation
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
BSc Midwifery
The Degree Course in Midwifery provides a Tutorial Service divided into:
Individual Tutoring. It includes a students’ integration plan to university life, from enrollment to graduation, through scheduled and on request individual interviews, as well as specific ventures for groups of students.
Specifically, the University Individual Tutoring service provides students with:
The Technical Tutoring service assists students with regard to internal computer services, encouraging their access to the several online spaces of the Midwifery Degree Course.
Didactic Tutoring: the relevance of the Midwifery Degree Course students is ensured by a Didactic Tutoring Service focusing on activities related to the planning of the academic path in compliance with the didactic regulations, the monitoring of academic careers and the implementation of ventures for the identification/recovery of educational debts and non-frontal teaching.
The Degree Course in Midwifery has an extensive system of Didactic Tutoring (as per procedure P2CLO – Didactic Tutoring Procedure) guaranteed by the active involvement of Tutors – mainly belonging to MED/47 SDS (scientific disciplinary sector). Those Tutors are part of the UniCamillus faculty or the human resources department from the internship associated institutions. Didactic Tutoring is divided by year of study and by internship location. Year-of-study Tutors ensure scheduled and on request meetings with the student representatives of the relevant study year or, ideally with the entire class group with the aim of discussing whatever issues related to frontal teaching and internship.
Following a request from students, Tutors are available for individual meetings concerning specific teaching needs, including learning difficulties on specific content. Internship Tutors aim at facilitating students’ integration in the hospital and local settings, actively collaborating with Clinical Tutors. Specifically, Internship Tutors supervise students’ progressive acquisition of expected skills and their achievement of training purposes, providing for issue resolution or student requests management.
The activities provided by the Didactic Tutoring Service include: -organisation of methodological and content orientation activities connected to students dissertation subject matter; orientation activities for students’ internship choice, as well as elective activities for the acquisition of specific purposes of each student’s interest. In this respect, the Degree Course in Midwifery activated some agreements with local institutions with the aim of developing obstetrical skills in areas like freelancing or gender violence. -Organisation of Honors Courses/Journal Club activities, in collaboration with institutions and social partners of interest to the Midwifery Profession. These courses are for highly motivated students.
Moreover, UniCamillus University offers free Italian language courses to all the international students. Italian courses start from the ‘beginner’ (A1) level to the ‘intermediate’ (B1) one. They aim at supporting students in learning the Italian language and at facilitating their internship path and social integration.
The Didactic Management Department offers a dedicated Didactic Tutoring service for students in maternity/paternity status, with flexible study plans focused on those students’ needs. With regard to the internship, maternity/paternity-students have the possibility to attend their internship in the nearest associated facility, following rotations that allow to balance training and parenthood. Moreover, maternity/paternity-students can attend their lectures on site with their newborns and a companion.
Peer-Tutoring. A group of 2nd and 3rd year students will be peer-tutors. Participation in peer-tutoring activities is on a voluntary basis and consists of providing information, answering questions and solving problems that junior students may encounter in their university life, supporting them in organisational and didactic difficulties. Support for junior students is essential. The practical organisation of study and internship and passing on successful organizational and study methodologies is fundamental.
Clinical Tutoring. The practical internship takes place in hospitals and local health facilities affiliated with UniCamillus. Each affiliated facility provides at least one internal Tutor whose role is to supervise the internship management. In each Operating Unit, students are supervised by the midwives on duty, who act as Clinical Tutors and are responsible for students progressive learning.
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
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