Ongoing Orientation
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students
BSc Physiotherapy
Ongoing orientation and tutoring activities have the essential task of fostering learning and promoting effective career advancement for students.
The Degree Course in Physiotherapy has a Tutoring Service consisting of three services:
The main purpose of the Disciplinary and Didactic Tutoring service is to foster and support students’ learning process and their frequent interaction with the lecturers and the didactic management.
The disciplinary tutoring service is guaranteed by the lecturers, the staff, who collaborate with the lecturers in teaching activities and in carrying out supplementary teaching activities (tutorials, laboratories, seminars, internships, etc.), and by disciplinary tutors.
More specifically, disciplinary tutors work closely with lecturers to help them organise and manage teaching, taking students’ needs into account. Therefore, disciplinary tutors act as privileged interlocutors for the latter in a constant effort to foster dialogue and learning processes.
The Didactic Tutoring offers constant assistance to individual students regarding everything related to their academic career, from monitoring the progress of their university career to solving any emerging difficulties, providing orientation in didactic and internship activities. Though the Degree Course in Physiotherapy is delivered in English, students find themselves interacting in Italian with tutors, but above all with patients, during the internship activities. For this reason, an Italian language course (beginner level A1 and proficient level C1) has been set up for international students with language difficulties, in order to promote and ease the achievement of the expected educational outcomes for the professional practical activities.
The University Staff Tutoring service is aimed at all students and provides an integration and support plan for university life, starting with first-year students up to undergraduates and graduates, through scheduled and requested individual interviews, as well as specific initiatives for groups of students.
The main provided services are:
STUDENTS FRONT OFFICE: provides UniCamillus students with information and support on administrative procedures related to the student’s career during the different stages of university life: enrolment, registration, exam registration, issue of certificates, degree and diploma management.
JOB PLACEMENT: placement support, aimed specifically at undergraduates and graduates, promotes the acquisition of tools for job placement and supports students in the transition phase and integration into the world of work. The Placement service focuses on matching supply and demand for internship/job placements by weaving support and listening networks with companies and facilities which can accommodate UniCamillus undergraduates.
WELCOME OFFICE: the Welcome Service for foreign students is aimed at all international students at UniCamillus; the office provides orientation in dealing with the bureaucratic procedures required to study and live in Italy.
LISTENING AND COUNSELLING DESK: this is a space for active listening and support aimed at students to help them discuss with an expert at certain moments of their academic career, which may be a source of discomfort or difficulty in achieving their objectives.
The Technical Tutoring service actively assists students with regard to internal computer services (WebApp service), as well as the use of the various computer supports provided by the Degree Course in Physiotherapy.
Discover all the opportunities related to ongoing orientation for UniCamillus students