AlmaLaurea for Students
UniCamillus encourages undergraduates and graduates to take advantage of the services offered by AlmaLaurea, an Interuniversity Consortium that connects young people and universities with the job market.
To access the services offered by the portal, you need to register and fill in the appropriate questionnaire at the end of your studies.
Registration on the AlmaLaurea portal allows undergraduates and recent graduates to:
– publish and regularly update their curriculum vitae
– consult and respond to published job vacancies
– view the annual report on the profile of graduates
– view the annual report on the employment conditions of graduates
What is AlmaLaurea?
AlmaLaurea is an Interuniversity Consortium founded in 1994 and is an important link between young people, universities and companies. UniCamillus and AlmaLaurea have been partners since 2021.
AlmaLaurea annually carries out two Surveys on the Profile and Occupational Conditions of graduates at 1, 3 and 5 years from graduation. AlmaLaurea then returns to the Universities of the Consortium, to the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and to the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR) reliable information to foster the planning, monitoring and evaluation processes of the Universities’ decision-making activities.
Through the questionnaires, it monitors the study paths of students and analyzes the characteristics and performance of graduates on the academic and employment level, allowing the comparison between different courses and study locations.
The Consortium also facilitates the match between job supply and demand, by collecting and making the CVs of graduates available through an intermediary platform that facilitates research and personnel selection both nationally and internationally.
AlmaLaurea is also recognized as a Research Body and its Statistics Office has been a member of Sistan, the National Statistical System, since 2015.
AlmaLaurea Report 2024
Browse the following pages to read a summary of the
UniCamillus AlmaLaurea report 2024
Download the full AlmaLaurea Report 2024
Students can communicate with AlmaLaurea using the Contact Form or by telephone by calling the toll-free number 800 720772.
The secretariat is available on the following days and times: Mon-Thurs at 9.00 -13.30 and 14.30-16.00 | Fri 9.00-13.30.