National Council of University Students (CNSU)
Students elections for renewal of the National Council of University Students (CNSU)
To access the Ministerial Order (hereinafter M.O.) and pertinet attachements, please refer to this page.
Dates available for voting are: May 17, 18 e 19 2022 (from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on May 17 and 18, 2022 and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on May 19, 2022) and it will be possible to vote at the University in Via di Sant’Alessandro 8, in classroom 3 on the first floor.
Figures to be elected:
a) 28 components elected among students enrolled in the academic year 2021 – 2022,in Bachelor’s degree courses, Master’s degree courses, single-cycle Master’s degree courses or degree courses of previous systems, according to current regulations; (active electorate is defined according to the date of the M.O., February 4, 2022; concerning passive electorate’s official registration, April 13, 2022 is the considered date);
b) 1 component elected among students enrolled in postgraduate degrees from previous or current system, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1 from Law November 19, 1990 no.341 and art. 3 of Ministerial Decree October 22, 2004, no. 270;
c) 1 component elected among those enrolled in PhDs from previous or current system, pursuant to art. 4 of Law July 3, 1998, no. 210 and art. 3 of Ministerial Decree October 22, 2004, no. 270;
Active electorate is defined according to the date of the M.O., February 4, 2022; concerning passive electorate’s official registration, April 13, 2022 is the considered date. With regard to presentation of the electoral lists and candidacies, please refer to the attachments to the M.O. available on the previous website link.
Concerning the 28 candidates, on a national level, Univeristies are divided in four local districts, corresponding with a likewise number of electoral collage. UniCamillus is part of the III district – Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo; leading position is held by Università di Tor Vergata.
Seven students from each of the four electoral districts are elected.
Candidacies relating to election of the components mentioned in letter a) are presented for each electoral collage through adversary lists on a proportional basis, with candidates number not exceeding nine students. Lists are marked by a symbol and by the relevant name. Lists come along with candidates’ self-certification of acceptance of their candidacy and their signatures. Moreover, lists are presented by a signatory voter (identified also by place and date of birth) to the local Electoral Commissions by 1:00 p.m. on April 13, 2022.
For those enrolled in post graduates degrees and in PhDs from previous or current system, two different national electoral collages are set up.
Concerning the election of the two components mentioned in letters b) and c), individual candidacies must be presented separately for each candidate, along with their self-certification stating the acceptance of their candidacy, their personal data, university of belonging and student identification number (if present). Candidacies and related self-certifications must be presented to the Central Electoral Commission through the administrative offices of each University institution, by 1:00 p.m. on April 13, 2022.
Voting will take place at the polling stations set up in the University premises. Communications on this topic will be through this web page.
- Students List
- Note n. 3089 of 27-04-2022 | Transmission of the lists of candidacies relating to the election of student representatives - III District - correction of note prot. n. 3039 of 22/04/2022
- Note n. 3086 of 27-04-2022 | Transmission of the lists of candidates relating to the election of student representatives - District II - correction of note prot. n. 3037 of 22/04/2022
- Note n. 3085 of 27-04-2022 | Transmission of the lists of candidacies relating to the election of student representatives - 1st District
- Note n. 3041 of 22-04-2022 | Transmission of the lists of candidacies relating to the election of student representatives - IV District
- Note n. 2914 of 14-04-2022 | Transmission to universities of the lists of candidacies for the components of doctoral and postgraduate students
- Constitution of the Polling Station
- Press release from the Central Electoral Commission | Election results for the renewal of the National Council of University Students (C.N.S.U.) - 2022